Our guest today, Kenneth Faig, discusses the Seven Club Tales and whether Lovecraft read them and what impact they may have had on his writing.
Hosted by Richard Wilson, David Guffy, & Mark Griffin.
Questions and comments can be directed to mark@lovecraftpod.com, david@lovecraftpod.com, or richard@lovecraftpod.com.
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In association with www.lovecraftpod.com and the Logan County Speculative Fiction Group, with help from the Logan County Public Library.
Edited by Katie Tyson.
Music is Provenience by Loydicus. Listen to his other work at https://soundcloud.com/loydicus?fbclid=IwAR2AkcRBiWImuUBTA9hjYdtY1s__SvxXfhcoFZANulBjbwIDN7PL6XdHDnQ
Recorded live through Zoom. You can watch the recording on the Logan County Speculative Fiction Group Facebook page.