JOIN US to receive wonderful things: https://bit.ly/2PjdSnI FACEBOOK to get in touch directly: www.facebook.com/therealtuesdayweld In this episode, The Real Tuesday Weld takes a very strange bus journey through time on his way to see Marcella of The Puppini Sisters, plays some new tunes, tells more peculiar tales about Sex, Magic, Clerkenwell - and Posing Pouches. Along the way, we meet some odd - and some very famous - characters, hear about the Clerkenwell Poltergeist and the Clerkenwell Wizard and various answers to the question "if Sex was a musical instrument, what would you play?" Well, what would YOU play? Share this far and wide and let The Clerkenwell Kid know what you think by leaving a comment - he works away alone in his attic, waiting to hear from you. www.tuesdayweld.com