
  • Today is the Day of Salvation

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    Seasoned parents and grandparents often tell new ones, "Don't blink and enjoy every moment with the kids. Because before you know it, they’re going to be grown up and time will have passed." And I would say the same to you in regards to sharing your faith. Today is the day to tell another person about Jesus! If we wait, we’ll miss the opportunity to follow Jesus' last command. He told us in John 4 that the harvest is now. There are people all around the world waiting for someone to share the Good News of the Gospel with them. The Bible says very clearly, “Today is the day of salvation!” And I don’t know about you; but when I face my Savior and Lord one day, I want to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You’ve been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness!” For more tips and resources on how you can be part of sharing your faith, visit sharelife.today.

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  • Divine Appointments

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    The Holy Spirit is softening and drawing hearts to Himself each and every day. And we can be a part of His work. One of the very best ways to join the Holy Spirit is by praying for what we like to call “Divine Appointments.” I can’t tell you how many times He has led me a person who was waiting for someone to share the Gospel with them. In Arizona, I met a twenty-one-year-old named Raymond who was waiting at a bus stop. He told me that he was in a recovery program that talked about God but hadn’t shared much about Him. Raymond was sitting there wondering how he could find out more when we walked up. With tears in his eyes, he accepted Christ after hearing the Gospel and said, “Thank you! This is going to change my life.” So I encourage you to start praying for opportunities to share your faith and watch God do amazing things. For more on sharing the Gospel, visit sharelife.today. That’s sharelife.today.

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  • Fulfilling the Great Commission

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    Did you know that there are Christians all around the world that have been working tirelessly to fulfill Jesus’ last command? He gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” And there are many that have taken this very seriously. In fact, there are leaders that are saying the Gospel will be finished going forth and the Great Commission will be fulfilled as early as 2033. A few are saying it could be even earlier than that! And if this is true, the question we must ask ourselves is what role will we play? Let me encourage you: don’t wait to start sharing your faith. Don’t wait bringing hope to others who are hopeless, desperate, and lost. The time to share is now. Learn more about sharing the Gospel at sharelife.today.

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  • A Season For Everything

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    There’s a season for everything...and did you know we’re part of a very special season right now—a season of spiritual harvest! This past year, we saw over 20 million people come to Christ worldwide in EE. The amazing part is that we are seeing an interest in hearing the Gospel like perhaps never seen before. For years, we would find one out of ten people that we approached wanted to hear; but today, we’re seeing over five out of ten that are wanting to hear the Good News of the Gospel. This is simply amazing. And proof that there is a great revival going on. But how unfortunate it would be for us to miss out on the blessing of being part of it all. We have the purpose and the privilege to be Jesus’ hands and feet here on earth, bringing the Gospel to the ends of the earth. And this includes our workplaces, neighborhoods, families, and friends. For more on how you can be part of sharing the Gospel, visit sharelife.today. That’s sharelife.today.

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  • Know the Season

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    How does a farmer know to harvest? Well, it boils down to a farmer looking at their field and seeing that the crop is ripe! You know, the Bible uses the very same analogy for a spiritual harvest of souls ready to accept the free gift of eternal life. Jesus told the disciples, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” It would be detrimental to a farm if the workers missed out on collecting the crop. There may be bankruptcy or even people who starve from it. But for the us, it would be even more harmful. Not to God—because He can make the rocks cry out His glory. But how unfortunate it would be for us to miss out on the blessing of being a part of the harvest. We have the purpose and the privilege to be Jesus’ hands and feet here on earth, and that includes bringing the Gospel to the ends of the earth. For more on how you can be part of sharing the Gospel, visit sharelife.today.

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  • True Love

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you celebrate this day of love or not, it is a great opportunity to ask those around you, "What would you say true love is?" You’ll get many answers in return and an opportunity to ask them, "Can I tell you about how I have found the greatest love I have ever experienced?" This can lead to a spiritual conversation where you can share your testimony of when you received Christ and understood God’s love. His love is different from human affection because it is unconditional, sacrificial, and never-ending. It also never fails. He showed it clearly through sending His only Son to earth to live the perfect life we couldn't and die in our place. Through His sacrifice, we have an opportunity to accept what He has done and be forgiven of all of our sins. What an amazing gift! And He offers it to all who would believe. So who can you share God’s love with today? For more on the Gospel and how you can share it, visit sharelife.today.

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  • God’s Love Builds Bridges

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    Do you realize that God is in the business of reconciliation? After coming to know the Lord, Sunny and Roshna learned to share their faith through EE classes and immediately began sharing the Gospel. They were converted to Jesus from their former religion, and do you know where they started sharing the Gospel? Well, at their former place of worship! Roshna said as they shared their testimony, you could hear a pin drop! The name of Jesus was being preached, with love, in a place His Name had never been. If that’s not bridging the gap, I don’t know what is! Jesus’ love bridges the gap between our sinfulness and God’s righteousness. Aren’t you glad that through Him, we can have Eternal Life because He made a way for us? There are so many stories in the Bible where Jesus urges us to bridge the gap and reconcile sinners to God. So let's make it a priority to do just that. For more on how you can learn to share your faith, visit sharelife.today. That’s sharelife.today.

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  • The Eternal Love of God

    Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

    Why do we traditionally use diamonds in wedding rings? Well, it's because of that age-old phrase, "A diamond is forever." They symbolize the never-ending love that a couple vows to one another. Now, truthfully, diamonds do not last forever...yes, they are sturdy rocks, but all things on earth decay or break. You know what is forever? The eternal, never-ending love of God. Once we put our trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation, we gain a priceless relationship with God. And it is eternal. His love for us will never end. In Isaiah 54:10, God tells us, "'For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,' says the Lord, who has mercy on [us]." This truth changes everything. Who do you know that needs to hear about the everlasting love of God? Learn more on how to share your faith at sharelife.today.

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