• Ep 99. Prepisode for Acts Week 3: How much does our mustard seed grow? (Women's Bible Study)

    In this weeks Women's Bible Study, I'm serving up a big ole slice of Acts Pie this week with 7 chapters of reading. But hang on...don't click away just yet. Let me break it down for you:

    Day 1 - Ch 6 through Ch 7:29 (5 1/2 minutes)

    Day 2 - Ch 7:30 - Ch 8 (8 minutes)

    Day 3 - Ch 9 (6 minutes)

    Day 4 - Ch 10 (6 minutes)

    Day 5 - Ch 11 & Ch 12 (7 1/2 minutes)

    See? Easy peasy, and plenty fo time to read repetitively. And...there's not a lot of "homework" this week either - just one big over arching thought to keep in mind as you read.

    Go back and read our thesis statement for the Book of Acts (it's chapter 1:8 in case you forgot). As you read these seven chapters this week, think about how this thesis statement unfolds. Watch how it happens. Notice where it happens. Look at who is involved. How does all of this relate back to our thesis statement in 1:8? How much does our mustard seed grow this week?

    I'll meet you right back here next week to walk through the "garden" with you. If you are a gardener, it's so exciting to watch a garden grow!

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    5 分
  • Ep. 98. Acts Week 2: Power, Preaching, Response, Unity (Women's Bible Study)

    Welcome to week 2 of our Acts Bible Study for Women. Our little mustard seed does indeed sprout this week, and begins to unfurl its leaves right in the midst of Jerusalem. We are anchored this week by a pattern that includes:

    I. Power of the Holy Spirit

    II. the Apostle Peter's preaching

    III. Two different responses

    IV. Unity of believers

    I think I can see two bonus episodes from this weeks study...things that I really wanted to talk about but didn't get a chance to. There was just so much good stuff, and we're just getting started.

    Don't forget to invite a friend to join us. It's not too late. This is a great Beginner's Bible Study because we are tracing the history of the early church...OUR CHURCH! This would be a great Teen Bible Study to help them learn to ENJOY reading and studying the Bible. This is a great Women's Bible Study with a fresh perspective on a familiar text. Thank you for tagging along on this journey.

    Here is the entire reading plan for our study:

    Week 1 - Acts 1 - 2:13

    Week 2 - Acts 2:14-5:42

    Week 3 - Acts 6:1 - 12:25

    Week 4 - Acts 13:1 - 14:28

    Week 5 - Acts 15:1-35

    Week 6 - Acts 15:36 - 18:22

    Week 7 - Acts 18:23 - 21:16

    Week 8 - Acts 21:17 - 23:35

    Week 9 - Acts 21:1 - 26:32

    Week 10 - Acts 27:1 - 28:31

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    42 分
  • Ep 97. Prepisode for Acts week 2: The Spirit is Here!! (Women's Bible Study)

    Welcome to your prepisode for our second weeks study in the Bood of Acts. Our reading for this week is Acts 2:14 - 5:42. Things are starting to happen in Jerusalem. The church is being born, more and more believers are being added, and others are taking notice. The Spirit is here and is working. Read along with us to see how he moves and works; see what being empowered by the Holy Spirit looks like.

    Here is the entire reading plan for our study:

    Week 1 - Acts 1 - 2:13

    Week 2 - Acts 2:14-5:42

    Week 3 - Acts 6:1 - 12:25

    Week 4 - Acts 13:1 - 14:28

    Week 5 - Acts 15:1-35

    Week 6 - Acts 15:36 - 18:22

    Week 7 - Acts 18:23 - 21:16

    Week 8 - Acts 21:17 - 23:35

    Week 9 - Acts 21:1 - 26:32

    Week 10 - Acts 27:1 - 28:31

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    9 分
  • Ep 96. BRAND NEW STUDY!! The Book of Acts: Power, Purpose, Plan (Women's Bible Study)

    We kick off a brand new study this week as we dive into the Book of Acts in our Women's Bible Study. This would be a great time to invite a friend to join us, or invite a new believer who wants to learn how to read the Bible. We are going to see the continuing work of Jesus as he builds his church through the power of the Holy Spirit working through his disciples.

    We begin this week by looking at the "thesis statement" for the book of Acts, where Jesus outlines the entire book for us: Power, Purpose, and Plan. We find out just how important the ascension is in our salvation story, and we see the arrival of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus promised.

    I love this episode! It's a small slice of Acts Pie...but it fills us up!

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    42 分
  • Ep 95. Introduction to the Book of Acts & Prepisode for Week 1 (Women's Bible Study)

    Welcome to season 2.2!! We are beginning a brand new study for fall looking at The Acts of the Apostles. This episode introduces the book and takes care of our "housekeeping," answering the Who, What, and When which will give us the context of the book. And also you will your prepisode for our first week's study which covers chapters 1 through 2:13.

    Some things you can look for this week as you begin to read is the thesis statement for the entire book of Acts, how the replacement apostle for Judas Iscariot is chosen, and the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

    Here is the entire reading plan for our study:

    Week 1 - Acts 1 - 2:13

    Week 2 - Acts 2:14-5:42

    Week 3 - Acts 6:1 - 12:25

    Week 4 - Acts 13:1 - 14:28

    Week 5 - Acts 15:1-35

    Week 6 - Acts 15:36 - 18:22

    Week 7 - Acts 18:23 - 21:16

    Week 8 - Acts 21:17 - 23:35

    Week 9 - Acts 21:1 - 26:32

    Week 10 - Acts 27:1 - 28:31

    Invite a friend to join us as we begin this new study of how God builds his church.

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    21 分
  • Ep 94. Summer Mini-Series Conclusion: The Intertestamental Period (Women's Bible Study)

    Well hello my lovely friends. Welcome to the final episode of our Summer Mini-Series in our Women's Bible Study. Today, we look at a really important time in the Bible, that's really not mentioned in the Bible. Huh??? It's the Intertestamental Period. It's that time between the Old Testament and the New Testament when God is silent for 400 years. But as we learn in this episode, just because God is silent, doesn't mean he isn't working to bring his plan of reconciliation and redemption to pass. There are lots of gears that get shifted and lots of joints that get oiled during the 400 years of silence that shape and influence God's church that emerges from a small group of loyal Jesus followers. I really loved putting this episode together; I hope you enjoy listening to it. And, SPOILER ALERT!! I let the cat out out of the bag about where we are going for September, so you'll want to listen to the end!!

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    32 分
  • Ep 93. Summer Mini-Series, pt 2: Introduction to the Prophets (Women's Bible Study)

    On the heels of the discussion about the Covenants in our unplanned mini-series this summer, we now turn our attention to the Prophets. Ahhh, the Prophets. This group of 17 books that are often neglected because we just aren't comfortable or adept in reading ancient communications from a Divine Creator to his messengers on earth. BUT, we can read them, we CAN understand them, and we CAN enjoy them.

    So this episode is probably less about the prophetic books themselves, and more about how to approach them and interpret them. I give you the most helpful tool I've found. It has been instrumental in helping me navigate the rocky ground and muddy waters between the Covenants - not only with the Prophets, but also with the historical books immediately following the Pentateuch. I hope to pass this "key" on to you, so you can begin to more fully understand and enjoy these Divinely Inspired books.

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    43 分
  • Ep 92. Summer Mini-Series, pt.1: Introduction to the Covenants (Women's Bible Study)

    Welcome to our Summer Mini-Series!! If that is a surprise to you, imagine how I must have felt when I realized that what I was holding in my hands!

    Part one is an Introduction to the Covenants. In this episode, we take a look at seven (7) Divine Covenants instituted by God with the intention of fulfilling his eternal plan of redemption. This is (obviously) only an introduction. It's meant to help you see the "big picture" in how the covenants connect and relate to one another; and that they're not just points in history of individual stories. I think it's powerful and amazing to see them all lined up side by side.

    I hope you enjoy the first installment of this mini-series. I will talk to you real soon.

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    36 分