
  • Normal Christianity II, Week One (Pastor Bob McNeil)

    Join us as Pastor Bob McNeil continues a series in the third chapter of Colossians, "Normal Christianity II."

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    35 分
  • Questions Jesus Asked, Week Three: Do You Love Me? (Pastor Steve Lister)

    When Jesus asks a question, He's saying something. Join us as Pastor Steve unpacks the third week in our series, "Questions Jesus Asked."

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  • Questions Jesus Asked, Week Two: You Don't Want To Leave Too, Do You? (Pastor Steve Lister)

    Jesus isn't interested in fans. He wants followers. Join us as Pastor Steve unpacks week two of our series, "Questions Jesus Asked." When Jesus asks a question, He's saying something.

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    35 分
  • Questions Jesus Asked, Week One: "Who Touched My Clothes?" (Pastor Steve Lister)

    When Jesus asks a question, He's saying something. Are we listening? Join us as Pastor Steve Lister opens our new series, "Questions Jesus Asked".

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  • The Culture War is a Spiritual Battle, Week Three (Pastor Steve Lister)

    In the spiritual battle we're in, we fight on our knees. Join us as Pastor Steve concludes our series in Ephesians 6.

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    35 分
  • The Culture War is a Spiritual Battle, Week Two: The Armor of God (Pastor Steve Lister)

    We're not in a war against culture. The battle we're actually in is very, very different. Join us as Pastor Steve dives into week two of our series in Ephesians 6.

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    43 分
  • The Weird Life, Week Seven: When We Suffer (Pastor Steve Lister)

    Join us as Pastor Steve Lister continues our series in 1 Peter.

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    44 分
  • The Weird Life, Week Six: Killing Sin (Pastor Steve Lister)

    If there's anything that makes us weird in this world as Christians, it's the fact that we are to give sin no quarter; we are to kill sin. Join us as Pastor Steve continues our series through 1 Peter, "The Weird Life."

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    41 分