After our eventful night at the Shrek Rave, we FINALLY had to talk about the cultural and internet icon himself: SHREK. In this episode, we dive into Shrek's lore, analyze the themes of the first two movies, and talk about the lifelong impact an animated ogre has made on our personalities!
Email us your favorite Shrek movie/song/meme: thepopculturevulturespod@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram and TikTok @popculturevulturespod
The meme Julia referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3SVmuffxqg&pp=ygUqZm9yIGZpdmUgbWludXRlcyBjb3VsZCB5b3Ugbm90IGJlIHlvdXJzZWxm