When I am traveling with a group of people, I will arrive a bit earlier or stay a bit later so I have time to experience that new-to-me environment on my terms. Some women, especially black women, are nervous to travel alone but in this conversation with Baglady Meredith San Diego, those fears will be squashed. From providing emergency numbers in a plethora of different countries to seeking out small tours, no matter your age or ethnicity, Meredith has literally thought of everything to help empower you to travel. So book that trip and go explore.
Join Meredith and me as we MProperly speak about:
- Solo Travel
- Carmen Santiago
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Small Tours
- Networking
- Pick Pockets
- Barcelona
- Living Abroad
- Expat
- Community
Honorable Mentions
Where in the World is Carmen Santiago
How to Get Over the Fear of Traveling Alone
Small Group Journeys
What You Can Do If You Get Pick Pocketed Abroad
Away Abroad
7 Destinations for the Environmentally Conscious Solo Female Traveler
Follow Meredith San Diego in these online spaces:
Link page: https://bagladymeredithsandiego.com/links/
Website: www.bagladymeredithsandiego.com
This podcast is hosted by Mimi Jacks. Mimi is a single mom that is down for empowering women, entrepreneurship & all things Diversity and Inclusion Equality and Justice. She loves to ask questions and sometimes they are improper! Ready to learn more? Contact her here!
If you would love to connect with Mimi, join her in these following spaces:
Have you been “MProperly” inspired by this episode? Mimi invites you to leave an honest review of how this episode impacted you. Also, share this podcast with a friend. Every woman needs to know she is powerful at home, at work and during play!
Crackers In Soup was the podcast management team for this episode.
Intro and outro music was created by Cyren Young