Ep. 15 - Size (Not Always) Matters
Join the coaches Bennett as they talk about how size doesn't always matter when it comes to starting a project, developing consistency, taking on a goal, or getting across a starting line. (What did you think this episode was about??)
Small can be the key to success. Especially when so much about success depends on being able to show up again and again. The Coaches also share what they've been up to and what's coming up as well their petty grievances and what's floating their fancies.
It's a great episode We hope you love it and thank you for listening.
Some links we think you'll enjoy!
The New York Times Connections Game
Swamp Kings
It Ain't Over (Yogi Berra Documentary)
D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219
Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe
be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch
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for more coach tammie bennett
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