In this episode of "Murder in the Black," hosts Steph and MD dive into the heartbreaking case of 10-year-old Breasia Terrell, who vanished under troubling circumstances after a sleepover. The discussion meticulously details the timeline of events leading up to her disappearance, beginning with the joyous moments shared during the sleepover and transitioning to the chilling realization that Breasia was missing. The narrative outlines the initial response by authorities, segregating the key milestones in the investigation that persisted over the following weeks.
00:00 Introduction and Case Announcement
01:21 The Disappearance of Breasia Terrell
05:31 The Investigation Begins
10:41 DL's Testimony and New Evidence
16:16 Building the Case Against Henry
17:24 Discovery of Breasia's Remains
19:55 Trial and Verdict
28:32 Takeaways and Conclusion
31:35 trueCrime-outro-high-long.wav