You’ve got what it takes to reshape your life and the world around you for the better. It’s already within you. You have that one active ingredient you need to craft a happy life that’s full of growth and creativity and to be incredibly resilient in tough or challenging times.
Positivity is the active renewable ingredient that all of us have in us. There are specific levers you can pull to turn on your positivity. And when you do this you gain control over when and how you feel. You are the driver of your bus.
This is the second podcast in a series of four in which I'll explore the ten forms of positive emotions.These ten emotions go beyond happy and good. They are specific and allow you to get into that emotional state. And when you are in that specific state you plant seeds which grow your positivity long-term and sustainably. This boosts your health, your well-being, your creativity and your resiliency.
In today's podcast we will explore next next four: interest, hope, pride and amusement.