
  • Trailer: Welcome to the Spots of Time Podcast

    My name is Kim Scott - I'm a storyteller, thought leader, dreamer, and now a podcaster! I have 6 decades of stories and lived experiences of hope and healing as a Human Resources exec and a Ministry Leader. More about that later. I invite you to take a few Spots of Time to lean into and soak up a little wisdom and insight with poignant stories, humor, and conversations about life's greatest topics. Spots of Time will lift your spirit, inspire new thoughts, transform tired behaviors and attitudes and empower a little hope and a little healing.

    Our first season begins on December 1st. Mark your calendar and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

    Find Spots of Time on Instagram at SpotsofTimePodcast.

    Our website is: SpotsofTime.net

    And you can email us directly at spotsoftimepodcast@gmail.com

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  • Episode One: Dreams and Doubts

    We were created to dream! Kim shares her experiences of the big dreams of her life and how she faces the doubts that get in the way of achieving her dreams. What about you? What's your God-given dream? Are you ready to do what God has planned for your life? Listen and be inspired! If you are struggling with identifying your purpose...your dream, reach out to Kim. She offers coaching to help others discover their purpose.


    Instagram: @spotsoftimepodcast

    Email: spotsoftimepodcast@gmail.com


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    29 分
  • You Are Here

    Kim shares her story and thoughts about busyness and her quest for a more balanced life.

    The story of Martha and Mary that Kim refers to can be found in the bible in the book of Luke, chapter 10, verses 38-42.

    The "slow down" activities are outlined below:

    ACTIVITY ONE: Take a moment and take a deep breath in...and then exhale. Do this at least two or three times. Then as you breathe in - think calm and as you exhale, think chaos...as you breathe in, think presence and as you exhale, think distraction. You can do this over and over, breathing in calm, presence, goodness, peace, gratitude, etc....while breathing out chaos, distraction, anxiousness, busyness.

    ACTIVITY TWO: Pick a day and resolve to make every thought a prayer to God - even during the mundane activities. Instead of "I hate making dinner," can easily become, "God, thank you for the resources to buy food to nourish myself and my family." OR "The kids are driving me crazy," can become, "God, give me your patience...remind me of how patient you are with me and help me to share your patience with my kids."

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    39 分
  • Be A Vessel

    We are all vessels of the Holy Spirit and God fills up our vessel so that we can share his love, light, comfort - whatever it is that others may need. Everyone is going through something and God wants us to know that he hears our cries and that he cares. We can help deliver that message. Be a vessel!

    Today, Kim is talking with Sharon Spencer, owner of LeShay's Salon in Irvine, CA. (see Sharon's contact info below) Sharon specializes in hair loss due to alopecia, cancer, stress, or other physiological ailment or issue.

    In today's conversation, Sharon and Kim talk about the story of Elisha and the widow from 2 Kings, chapter 4.

    Sharon mentions a book she's reading called Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want by Dr. Dharius Daniels.

    Sharon also shared her favorite quote:

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” This quote is often attributed to Nelson Mandela but the actual author is Marianne Williamson.

    Sharon's contact information:

    Website: leshayssalon.com

    Instagram: @leshayssalon @restoringthecrown

    You can also go to our website (spotsoftime.net) to find a link to donate directly to LeShay's Salon to support a woman in need of a wig because of hair loss due to alopecia or cancer.

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  • Seasons

    Join Kim as she shares the key "seasons" of her life. The inspiration for this episode comes from the biblical book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, verses 1-8.

    "For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter, and a time to gather; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."

    What season of life are you in? These are just a few...name the seasons you've walked through. What have you learned? How have the seasons changed and transformed you? How have you grown?

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  • Growing Gratitude

    As we enter into a new year, it's a perfect time to reflect on what we are grateful for and how we can grow in gratitude. Gratitude inspires us to spread goodness in the world - it is the foundation of many of the virtues - kindness, patience, gentleness, compassion, and social justice. All things our world is desperately needing.

    Kim and Nuka Solomon, CEO of Free Wheelchair Mission talk about gratitude and how gratitude can be and should be continuous; that we are all truly grateful to the ultimate Giver of life and that we take what he has given us and we share that with the world...as others do the same...and from a deep humbling gratitude, we continue to give and receive. Gratitude has a rippling effect...and hopefully if done well without measuring how much we give versus how much we receive, perhaps everyone ends up with what they need.

    "Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth...Gratitude follows grace like thunder and lightening." - Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics

    "The movement of grace toward gratitude brings us from the package of self-obsessed madness to a spiritual awakening. Gratitude is peace." - Anne Lamott

    Free Wheelchair Mission; freewheelchairmission.org

    You can find a QR Code and link to donate on our website.

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  • New Year, New Word

    Perhaps instead of making resolutions that you probably won't keep, how about discovering ONE WORD to focus on in your life this year. Kim will walk you through the idea and the process of finding One Word that can transform your life.

    The book title and author Kim refers to is: "One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page.

    The questions for working through the process of discovering your One Word:

    1. What do I need?
    2. What's in my way?
    3. What needs to go?

    Feel free to reach out to Kim via her website if you have any questions or need some coaching to work through the process for yourself, your family, and/or your team.

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    27 分
  • Making Decisions That Serve You

    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! Life is full of them - some big, some small, some in-between but all significant. Join Kim and her niece Alexis as they discuss their journey of making decisions that may not fall into societal standards but that serve their emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. How do you make decisions? On a whim, pros and cons, lots of input? Do you invite God into the process? Kim and Alexis talk about the ways they process making big life decisions and what they have learned in the process.

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    1 時間 8 分