Kia ora everybody. Welcome to the final episode for season one. I can’t believe we’re already at 20 episodes. And the exciting thing is that there are many more people to speak to, many more exciting ocean conservation initiatives to touch on - we have barely scratched the surface.
This episode is with Mandy Kupenga. If you’ve seen the Seasick documentary you will know Mandy as the host of that incredible documentary. If not, you might know her from elsewhere – she makes content for ocean conservation for places like LegaSea and Greenpeace. She also is an established fisher, appearing on Matt Watson’s fishing show, The Apprentice, or her youtube channel on fishing, Fishing Advisor. Or even her own fishing show, Get your Fish On! Take your pick.
It was great to get to know Mandy a bit more. She is an incredible communicator with impeccable ability to get across the message of big issues to people who have no background knowledge in the topic.
Mandy inspires me as someone who decided to move from a corporate career into ocean conservation. It’s a bold move but you can tell just by talking to her that she’s followed her passion. Through this change Mandy has educated herself on topics such as commercial fishing, she shares her knowledge and opinions on this huge subject. This conversation again outlines the importance of cameras on commercial fishing vessels.
We speak about petitions and how effective they can be. Namely, a petition on the UN Global Oceans Treaty – 67,000 people have signed this to date. So, if you haven’t yet signed it yourself, go and do it. It does make a difference.
Mandy has the most infectious laugh I have ever heard, and we hear it quite a bit in this podcast. Her ability to speak about serious topics while also keeping it light and entertaining made this a great conversation to be a part of as well as to listen back to. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Lastly, thank you for being part of this journey. Planning for season two is underway and we’re looking to branch out to get people involved in ocean conservation around Aotearoa.
This podcast is bought to you by Zinc or Swim. Natural zinc made right here in Aotearoa. Use the code SEACHANGE to get 10% off your order.
Episode links -
Fishing Advisor - https://www.youtube.com/c/FishingAdvisorconz
UN Global Oceans Treaty petition - https://petition.act.greenpeace.org.nz/ocean-sanctuary
Seasick Documentary - https://interactives.stuff.co.nz/2022/seasick-saving-hauraki-gulf/
Get Your Fish On - https://www.facebook.com/getyourfishontv/
New Zealand catch reconstruction study - http://www.nzai.auckland.ac.nz/en/about/our-research/past-research/new-zealand-catch-reconstruction.html
Ultimate Fishing youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/UltimateFishingTV/featured
Greenpeace ban bottom trawling on seamounts -
Greenpeace - why NZ needs cameras on fishing vessels - https://youtu.be/KGH9UsS0aT4
Project Kahurangi - https://www.projectkahurangi.co.nz/
Hands off my bottom LegaSea/Hauraki Gulf Alliance campaign - https://haurakigulfalliance.nz/
Fisheries Amendment Bill late changes - https://legasea.co.nz/2022/09/29/last-minute-change-to-fisheries-amendment-bill-a-win-for-the-environment/
Zinc or Swim - https://www.zincorswim.com