• Good Question, Jesus: Do you believe I am able?

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, June 27, 2021 Matthew 9:27-30 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. We may not hear the important question if we’re not following. II. Faith is ready when the opportunity comes. III. Jesus’ question gave them a chance for joy.

    FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Name something you almost always over-prepare for, and describe why. Name something you almost always under-prepare for, and why. - Describe some obstacles the blind men might have faced in following Jesus? - What sorts of responses do people offer when Jesus asks if they believe He can heal or save them? - What are you doing to build your faith so that it’s ready for the opportunity Jesus may present to you? - What does the church need to do to build faith to be ready for the opportunity Jesus presents to us? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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  • Good Question, Jesus: Why are you afraid?

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, June 20, 2021 Matthew 8:23-27 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. Jesus cares deeply. He’s just not stressed about it. II. Let Christ’s peace be more contagious than our anxiety. III. Perfect love casts out all fear. FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Tell about a time when you got caught in a bad storm. What were you thinking? What were you feeling? - Look at the scripture that follows this passage in Matthew 8. Why was Jesus crossing the lake? - Imagine if the disciples would have allowed Jesus to sleep instead of waking Him in their fear. What are some possible outcomes to that story? - What are the storms that people face with fear today? Where can Jesus introduce calm into those situations? - Why are you afraid? How can the peace of Jesus counter that fear? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
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  • Good Question, Jesus: Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, June 13, 2021 Matthew 6:24-27 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. We’re trapped when we make anything other than God our master. II. Walking in trust undoes our worries. Dwelling in our worries multiplies them. III. Worry is a thief and a murderer.

    FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - What is your favorite place to get ice cream or custard, and what do you order? - What are the ways people would have had money as their master in Jesus’ day? What are ways people have money as their master today? - How does God’s kindness towards other creatures help you trust in God’s kindness and provision for you? - Where have you witnessed worry take away from life? - What is the major source of worry for you? How would God have you walk in trust? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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  • Good Question, Jesus: Which one obeyed?

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, June 6, 2021 Matthew 21:28-32 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. Jesus will answer your question with a question. II. Obedience is not just knowing, but doing right things. III. It’s more about being on the right path than having a perfect pedigree. FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Have you made a public profession of faith (like becoming a church member)? Tell about that experience. - What are the benefits of challenging people’s thinking with questions instead of answers? What are the drawbacks? - Jesus used this parable to challenge people who were outwardly religious. Who would be challenged by His story of obedience today? - What of your life looks like the “right path” of faithfulness right now? What of your life might need some course correction? - What will you do this week to live more fully into a commitment you’ve made to God? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
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  • Passing the Torch: A Double Portion

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 30, 2021 2 Kings 2:5-15 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. The friendships we forge in the faith become an enduring part of our legacy. II. Witnessing true godliness causes us to hunger for a deeper faith in our own lives. III. It’s up to us to take up the cloak. It’s up to God to provide the power.

    FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Has the "Memorial" part of Memorial Day worked into your plans for this long weekend? If so, how? - Read 1 Kings 19:19-21 to learn about how Elisha was called to be a prophet. How is that similar to our calling to follow Jesus? - Who has inspired you to pursue a deeper faith? How might your life be inspiring others towards a deeper faith? - What is a calling God has invited you to pick-up? Do you have worries about taking on that responsibility? - What is one way you can make certain the torch of faith is passed on through your life this week? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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  • Passing the Torch: Don't Neglect the Gift

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 23, 2021 1 Timothy 4:7-16 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. To pass on hope, we can't major in the minors. II. Young disciples are called to exemplary love, faith, and purity. III. Youthful boldness is a great tool when guided by the Holy Spirit.

    FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - If you were invited to give a commencement speech, what would be the title? - Paul talks about the risk of "wasting time" when it comes to training for godliness. What is at stake when churches bicker over non-essentials? - Where do you witness exemplary love, faith, and purity at work in disciples who are maybe a generation or two younger than you are? - How does the church nurture some of the risk-taking and questioning nature of youth? How does the church stifle that? - Name a young person you know who you lean on to help mentor you into the future? How has that relationship blessed your life? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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  • Passing the Torch: A Generational Relay

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 16, 2021 Psalm 78:1-8 Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. To be a part of the relay, we have to put ourselves into the race. II. We’ll be held responsible for hiding Jesus from future generations. III. God’s salvation stories are filled with warnings and wonders.

    FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - What's a song you learned to help teach you something (besides the alphabet)? Do you still know the tune? - What does "apply the instructions of scripture to my life" mean to you? - What are some ways we hide Jesus from future generations, whether intentionally or unintentionally? - Why do you suppose it's important that the stories of scripture contain both wonders and warnings? - What specific thing can you do this week to take your place in the generational relay? What would keep you from doing that? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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  • Passing the Torch: The Nurturing Community

    by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 9, 2021 Exodus 2:1-10 Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

    SERMON NOTES I. Not everything is working in favor of the nurturing community. II. Nurturing community requires a great deal of trust in God. III. Personal compassion can have an impact well beyond helping an individual. FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - If you had a comfort item (like a blanket or stuffed animal) as a child, what was it? Do you know what became of it? - Where do you see examples of the mighty Pharaoh being made to look like a fool in these stories? Why would the Hebrew people find those stories funny? - When is showing trust to others a way to show trust in God? Can you share an example of that kind of trust in your life? - The ways that the women helped each other in today's stories involved risk for them. What did they risk in their show of courage? - What is a nurturing community that you're a part of? How do you benefit? How do you contribute? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
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