
  • Episode 4 - Sam Webb
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources

    In this episode of Stay Alive, join me as I speak to Sam Webb, Actor and Co-founder of Livin.org
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    41 分
  • Episode 3 - Ellie Schneir
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources

    In this episode of Stay Alive, join me as I speak to Ellie Schneir, TeenLine outreach speaker, whose 14 year son died by suicide in 2011.
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    1 時間
  • Episode 2 - Scott Sargeant
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources

    Dr. Mark Goulston invites recovered quadriplegic Scott Sargeant onto the podcast to hear his inspiring story and discuss methods of dealing with despair
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    51 分
  • Chapter 8 - What Made You Smile Today?
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources
    Dr. Mark Goulston tells us reach out to people and use this simple phrase, "What made you smile today?". This brightens your day, you walk away feeling better about yourself, and you've made someone else smile. Because when you say that to another person there is always something that makes you smile. The power of "What Made You Smile Today"? is your enabling a person to remember something pleasant and getting a second hit of that enjoyment. They are sharing it with you. And when you are depressed, the power of it is that you're getting out of self-absorption. Every day we should ask the invisible people in the world, "What made you smile today?"
    So, tell us - What made us smile today?!
    #stayalivenow #beheretomorrow
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    5 分
  • Chapter 7 - The Seven Words That Can Change Your Life
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources
    Dr. Mark Goulston shares the seven words he's identified which will help you connect with anyone feeling depressed and help them feel less alone and more hopeful. He uses Targeted Interventional Empathy where he goes into the dark night of the soul with you and touches it with love. And he does this by utilizing the seven words to connect with people. What do you feel, hurt, afraid, angry, ashamed, alone, lonely or tired? These seven words connect with people better than saying, "Are you depressed?." Kevin Hines expresses these seven words help you feel felt and be open about their pain. A weight is lifted off your shoulders. You're given permission to be honest and true about your pain. This gives a person the option of which one of the seven words to talk about instead of directing their narrative. Rayko shares how she has begun to use the seven words to successfully reach to people within the anime community. #stayalivenow #beheretomorrow
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    10 分
  • Chapter 6 - You Can Successfully Deal with Depression
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources
    Kevin Hines discusses depression or as he calls it, brain pain. He shares insights on how to successfully deal with depression, mental illness and physical pain. Watch as Dr. Mark Goulston explains that suicidal thoughts are plagued with despair. Des-Pair=Unpaired with reasons to live. They feel these eight words and experiences; hopeless, helpless, powerless, useless, worthless, purposeless and meaningless which leads to feeling pointless. They pair with death to take the pain away. So find someone to pair with, to have empathy for you and give you that unconditional love. They think suicide is the answer but it's a delusion. Suicidal thinking, inner critical thoughts and depression are the greatest liars we know. We can teach you how to cope with pain and defeat pain to stay here. Suicide is not the answer, it is the problem. Kevin Hines shares his ten steps toward mental wellness. Daily steps to defeat the brain pain. We love you. We want you here.
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    12 分
  • Chapter 5 - Positive Affirmations
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources
    In this section, Dr. Mark Goulston, Kevin Hines and Rayko discuss the power of positive self-affirmations to turn your negative thinking into positive thinking. Your inner critical voice comes from every negative, hurtful and spiteful things that has ever been done to you. When you are abused or neglected, physically, emotionally, or verbally, it goes to the 'back brain' and stays there unless you retrain the brain. For everyone of those negative thoughts, look in the mirror and give yourself positive affirmations. Retrain the inner critical voice to a positive one. Recite, Repeat. Believe. When you can find hope in the darkness of your hours, then you can find purpose. Gratitude and resilience are two of the greatest leading factors in preventing suicide. Listen to Rayko's story of stopping herself from committing suicide because she couldn't leave her mother. And how now she appreciates the simplest, smallest things in life. She realized she is grateful for what she has. Dr. Mark Goulston shares: Be a first class noticer. A good exercise that gets you out of yourself. Become curious. Be here. We love you. #stayalivenow
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    10 分
  • Chapter 4 - Unconditional Love
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 plus 1 for military. https://www.stayalivevideo.com/resources
    Kevin Hines continues his story of feeling like a burden to everyone around him and jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. And surviving. Kevin shares lessons learned over this lifetime that can benefit anyone who is in pain. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. He urges you to find that unconditional love and empathy. Rayko shares how she feels she struggles to keep her strong, Japanese mother happy. She struggles with believing that her mother loves her unconditionally. She struggles with self-worth. Dr. Goulston will explain that children are not a burden, but a responsibility and parents love the responsibility. But she has found the family that loves her. Everyone can find a family that loves you. Dr. Mark Goulston shares how you can be, and are, unconditionally, emotionally and psychologically safe and loved. We love you. #stayalivenow
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    8 分