When times are tough, as they sometimes are, it's easy to give up. When you're tired, hungry, and you've got a million and one things on your to-do list and you know there's no way you can accomplish all of them, it's easy to give up. When you're running out of time and you still have to take care of yourself and your family, it's easy to give up. On any given day, you can find a reason or an excuse to simply throw in the towel and surrender. However, if you give up every time things get even a little bit hard, how can you ever expect to achieve your hopes and dreams? So if giving up isn't an option, then there's got to be a way to keep yourself motivated. Here's what I've found to be incredibly helpful in staying motivated because, contrary to popular belief, I'm not always motivated. I'm not always like rah, rah let's get up and go do this because I'm human just like you but, I know there are others who need me. There are days and there are times when I just don't feel like doing anything, but here is what keeps me going. It's having a purpose that is greater than myself. It's knowing that when I don't show up and I don't come on to do a Facebook live, and I don't send out an email and I don't show up for the people who really need to hear my message I'm actually being selfish. Ouch! That stings. Trust me, I know. I had to really wrap my head around that concept because, in the beginning, I felt like who was really going to want to listen to me. I don't want people to get sick of me. Those are the thoughts I had when I first started out a few years ago. Since then I've done a lot of mindset work with my own coaches. I've been working very hard on myself internally, you know… doing all the mental work on the inside and I do realize that the world as we know it is A very lonely place for a lot of people right now. Now, I'm an optimist, an eternal optimist and I'm always looking for a silver lining, but I know not everybody's like that. Even those of us who are optimistic and try to look on the bright side, in spite of knowing that bad things are happening, need something to hold on to. Most often, that ‘something’ that we need to grasp onto is something so much greater than ourselves. And when your why is strong enough it will move you to take action more times than not. The problem for most people is that they forget about their why; they forget about why they started this business in the first place; why they ever started on this journey in the first place and so they remain silent or even worse, they give up. What I’ve come to realize though is if I don't use my voice to step up and you don't use your voice to step up and the person over there doesn't use her voice to step up, then what we have is a silent society of everyone hurting and suffering in silence. That is the worst possible scenario, given how many people in this world right now are feeling lonely, afraid, anxious, fed up and just plain exhausted. There are a lot of people who need guidance; they need motivation; they need support. These are the people that I choose to fight for, the people that I choose to stand up for. I know that I was given these gifts by God to really be a light in this world and to really help those who find themselves in a never-ending cycle of fear. When you're ‘why’ is big enough you will do what it is you need to do because if you don't do it for yourself you at least know there are other people depending on you and sometimes it's easier to let ourselves down than it is to let other people down. My calling is to help those individuals who know they were created for more, those who know that they've got something special to support and help guide the people of the world to a better place and towards a better way of living. I know somebody needs to hear this message and that's why I'm here. So why are you here? What are you going to do with the rest of your life? Remember, there are people who need you and they are just waiting for you to show up. Speaking of showing up, if you are ready to uplevel in all areas of your life and business schedule a 30-Minute Discovery Call TODAY! I have limited spots for one-on-one coaching clients. Click this link to get started and I’ll see you on the flip side! Follow Lisa Marie: LinkedInFacebookInstagramTwitter