Steve Hunter is from Orangeville, Ontario. He ran his first half-marathon in 2014 and his first ultra in 2015. He then went on to run the Ontario Ultra Series in 2016 placing third overall for the 50 k series and 1st for the ultra series for 40-49 age group. He completed his first 100 miler in 2016 and since then Steve has completed several 100 milers and helped many other athletes in the Ultra community through pacing and crewing at other 100 milers, 200 milers and FKTs. We discuss his transformation in his forties from losing weight and starting to run, Western States qualifying races as he pursues his goal to run Western States one day, pacing and what it takes to make a good pacer and much more. Steve is a good friend of mine and this conversation was long overdue and if I ever sign up for another 100 miler I will definitely be asking Steve to pace me.
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