Steve Michener is a husband, father, nurse, musician, and writer. If you’re of a certain age, and followed the music scene at all in the 80’s and 90’s, especially in Boston, then you have no doubt listened to, or at least heard of some of the bands that he has played bass in. These include the Volcano Suns, Dumptruck, and Big Dipper, whose music you heard in the intro, and will hear as we go out today as well.
Recently, Steve also started to write about his album collection in a Facebook group called Steves Random Record Collection Countdown, where for one full year he is picking an album each day and writing about it. How he came to own it, where he was in his life at the time, and other memories that get jogged by that particular record.
It’s a fascinating endeavor and one that I am personally enjoying greatly. We’ll talk about that, and many other things in our conversation today.