Join me in todays episode as I unpack the events of my recent 10 day experience being a worker for the Blackfeet Indians at their Medicine Lodge for the annual Sundance which occurs during the Summer Solstice (June 21st).
Day 1 - 16 June
Build Workers Camp
Purification Sweat
4 rounds (Children, Women, All living things, Warriors)
4 directions (N, S, E, W)
4 colors (White, Black, Yellow, Red)
Day 2 - 17 June
Harvest Main Cottonwood trees for the Medicine Lodge
Day 3 - 18 June
Locate Lodge Site
Mark Center Pole location
Day 4 - 19 June
Harvest Sidewall Cottonwood trees for the Medicine Lodge
Place Prayer Bags at the base of Chief Mountain
Day 5 - 20 June
Harvest 91 “Oke-A-Toke” Sweat Rocks
Workers Sweat
Day 6 - 21 June “The Summer Solstice”
The Lodge & Campsite are blessed
Build Camp
The Feed aka The Last Meal for the Sundancers
Presenting of Pipes and Colors
The Sing 2 AM
Day 7 - 22 June
Hunt for the Center Pole 4:30 AM
Harvest the Center Pole
Build the Medicine Lodge
Day 8 - 23 June
Sundance begins
Front Piercing attached to Center Pole
Back Piercing attached to 13 Buffalo Skulls
Day 9 - 24 June
Sundance continues
Day 10 - 25 June
Sundance comes to a close
Cleansing Sweat
What were the 4 biggest lessons I gathered from this experience?
- Belief
- Respect
- Will
- Culture
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