
  • “Final Call to Alertness” - 1 Peter 5:8-14 | Crucified Life, Hostile World

    Any survey of the Bible reveals extensive teachings about Satan, the enemy of God. As such, no believer should be ignorant about our spiritual adversary. Recognizing his masquerades and tactics is essential to the daily spiritual warfare of the Jesus life.

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    43 分
  • "God’s Perfect Timing: The Messiah has Arrived "- Luke 2:1-20 | Pastor AJ Gonzalez

    We witness God's perfect timing as the Messiah is born in Bethlehem. Amid a Roman census, Mary and Joseph arrive in the city, unknowingly fulfilling ancient prophecies. In a humble stable, the Savior is born, bringing peace to a broken world. The shepherds, the first to hear the good news, remind us that the Messiah came for all, regardless of status. This Christmas, let us remember that God's timing is always perfect, even when we don't understand it, as He fulfills His plan of salvation for us all.

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    37 分
  • "Looking Forward to Christmas" - Luke 1:5-45; 57-66 | Pastor Philip Jackson

    As we approach Christmas, Pastor Philip Jackson looks at the wondrous things of our God leading up to the birth of Christ. What do the miracles in Luke 1 tell us about the nature of God's involvement in our lives. Does He still do miracles? Does He still care about what we are going through?

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    49 分
  • “Evergreen: A Global Church” - Acts 1-2

    Twenty-five years of God’s power, changed lives, deep fellowship among the people of God, and influence with other churches…what more could possibly be ahead? The succinct answer to that question is simply this—global impact! Evergreen now aims to fulfill our longstanding motto: “Knowing God. Sharing Life. Changing the World.” This is our time!

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    50 分
  • “Shepherd, Elder, Overseer” - 1 Peter 5:1-7 | Crucified Life, Hostile World

    Peter now returns his attention to life together in the church. Here, he is writing to us personally, pastors and people. Before addressing warfare with Satan, Peter reminds us of our call to live in proper standing with one another according to God’s community plan.

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    46 分
  • “Sticks and Stones…” - 1 Peter 4:7-19 | Crucified Life, Hostile World

    When time is short, things get urgent. And simplified. As Jesus approached the cross, His focus and intensity increased. Suffering produces concentration. Peter brashly scolded Jesus and received the harshest rebuke in the New Testament (Matthew 16:23). Years later, Peter instructs believers how to possess that same Christ-like focus during persecutions.

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    55 分
  • “Called to be Different” - 1 Peter 3:18-4:6 | Crucified Life, Hostile World

    Peter continues to call believers to live the “Jesus life” in hard days—to strength, to resolve, to unwavering firmness like a soldier entering battle. Accordingly, he outlines five motivations for “swimming upstream.” He calls us to be satisfied with our distinctiveness in a world that demands conformity.

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    52 分
  • “Inside and Outside the Church” - 1 Peter 3:8-22 | Crucified Life, Hostile World

    Peter now outlines an ideal picture of life inside church as well as strategies for believers who must live in the hostile world outside the church. This timely and practical advice is given for “all of you.” The “Jesus life” lived well is a life of victory in all circumstances.

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    48 分