
  • Aligning all parts of you

    In this episode we dive into how our inner self, or spirit, is being directed by the energy we have chosen to devote our soul to. We're always making a choice between two core emotions: fear and love. If we don't actively choose love, we tend to default to fear, which can lead us to make choices and live our lives in fear. 

    In order for you to come back into your power, is to take full responsibility for your life. In this episode we delve deeper into what true responsibility looks like, and how to stop sourcing anything outside of ourselves, because everything that we need, is already within.

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  • Mindful Manifesting

    In this episode, we're diving into the inner workings of the human mind. We'll explore how your spirit connects with your mind and what it takes for your spirit to influence this part of you.

    Imagine your mind as the control center where all your experiences are processed. It's where you make sense of everything you've been through and decide what it means. Within your mind, you define what life is and who you are.

    Join us as we uncover how your spirit and mind interact. We'll talk about how your mind handles experiences, shapes your beliefs, and forms your understanding of life and yourself. 

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  • Your Body, Your Messenger

    In this episode, we're diving into how your body and spirit are intertwined. We explore how your physical well-being reflects what's happening on the inside.

    Learn how to understand the signals your body sends and how they reveal messages from your spirit. Discover how your body's state can show you what's going on within you, helping you wake up to new insights.

    Get ready to uncover the wisdom your body holds and gain a deeper awareness of yourself.

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  • Balancing Form and Flow

    In this episode, we delve into the profound interplay between flow and form in our lives, exploring how faith and fear shape our experiences and the key to finding joy.

    Discover the difference between actively creating our reality and surrendering to the natural flow of life, while learning to discern whether we are being guided by faith or driven by fear.

    Find out Gratitude Bundle here 

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  • The Waters of Life

    In this episode, we explore the journey of understanding the true nature of life and our role within it. We delve into the concept of vibration, as depicted by the Map of Consciousness, and how it influences our perception of truth. 

    We take the journey towards self-improvement, self-responsibility, raising our own vibration, and becoming the creators of our reality. 

    Step into the journey of awakening to love.

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  • The Battle Within

    This episode explores the internal battle between the ego and the true self, emphasizing the importance of recognizing their distinct qualities and consistently choosing the true self to access inner power and transform lives.
     It's time to become attuned to the ego's fear-based limitations and the true self's love-based limitless thinking. By understanding and taming the ego, we can make choices aligned with our authentic selves, developing self-trust and the courage to listen to our own intuition. 

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  • Navigating Planet Earth

    In this episode of Navigating Planet Earth, we explore the question of whether we are human beings having a spiritual experience or spiritual beings having a human experience.

     Our beliefs are often based on the desire to feel safe, but when we create beliefs out of fear, we limit ourselves and create a cage around us. This cage prevents us from connecting with our true selves and experiencing our limitlessness, leaving us feeling miserable. 

    True freedom can only be found outside of this cage, where we take responsibility for our lives and consciously design every aspect out of love instead of fear. When we connect with our heart's desires, we tap into the limitlessness of our spirit and unlock our true potential.

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  • Supreme Splendor Trailer

    Welcome to the Supreme Splendor podcast. My name is Bethany Inez, and it's an honour to be your guide on this transformative journey from fear to love. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for this opportunity to share with you the lessons that have brought profound meaning and joy to my life. Through this podcast, my intention is to gift you the tools and insights you need to experience your own transformation, to become the radiant being you are meant to be.

    When I first discovered the power of releasing my fears and embracing my true nature of love, my entire life changed. It was a revolution that brought freedom and lightness to my soul. I believe that all humans are on this path, seeking freedom from the limitations of fear, but often without a clear roadmap to navigate the journey. Here, we will work together to overcome these hurdles, as I provide the framework and guidance you need to move towards your true freedom.

    If your soul is yearning for this kind of clarity and transformation, then please join me by hitting the subscribe button. Together, we will embark on a journey of healing, growth, and discovery, as we step into the brilliance of our true selves.

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