
  • Let go & Bring it back

    First show of the new year and we start with the question "if you tell your kids there's a Santa, would you be mad if they grew up to be liars?". We move on to things we would like to leave behind in 2024 and things we would like bring back in 2025.
    We transition to rather it is your job to make your partner feel attractive. We wonder if you can love two people at the same time plus more. Tune in.

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    46 分
  • Fresh Cuts & Double Dates.

    N.I.M.E & DY3R start the show talking about do men really want material things for Christmas. DY3R breaks down how long he's cute after a fresh shave and line up. We talk about how N.I.M.E has made men feel like they can cheat just based off a haircut.

    They talk about the struggles of going on double dates and the crazy stories that come from them and much more.

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    49 分
  • The Smell, The Dream & The Moth

    What would you do if the person you been wanting to date wanted to feed you but their hand smelled like doo doo? What would you say if your friend say they can't go out cause they gotta babysit THEIR OWN CHILD?
    Why do people lie over the dumbest things like "I would go to jail before I cheat on my woman". We give our summed up version of our American dream and what would happen if we was getting freaky, we take off their undergarments and a small moth fly out...

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    32 分
  • Self Awareness With The Giveaway

    Today episode starts off with us talking about how we should stop talking about how old we are cause we not old to the point where we gotta turn on the sink just to pee(lol).
    DY3R talks about how he's a bad summer boyfriend but a good winter boyfriend. He talks about he don't like meeting friends of his friends.
    We talk about the struggles we could face if we had to give away our daughters to a man we know is trash. We finish the show talking about if we are made in God's image and we are flawed people, does that mean God may be flawed(just a question with a easy answer and example.

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    32 分
  • Vetting Your Side Trophy

    Today begins with us talking about how waiting until 9 for our minutes to be free taught us how to survive. We go back in time and talk about the dating advice our parents gave us and if we will give our kids advice.
    We talk about if there should be an vetting process for a side piece and what is a trophy wife and is there a such thing as an trophy husband.

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    54 分
  • Concept Of An Episode

    N.I.M.E &DY3R show up down and out and put together a show where they bounce(pause lol) around from topics about why people still ask you for money when they see you making a big purchase. Why people say they trying to be like you when they have no idea what it takes to be you? Why do we care more about the end destination and not the actual journey? Have most people looked over the person that wants the best for them? What's the reasoning behind trash talking your ex after a break up and whatever else came up lol. Enjoy these concepts of an episode....

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    50 分
  • Make It Make Sense. Part Deux

    Back again with the homie J-Will for part two of our make it make sense episodes. We start off naming are favorite R&B groups from a list that DY3R made up. We try to make sense out of things like when a person say you not ready for them to why a woman cheat on a man who work too much but be faithful to a man in jail and so much more.

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    49 分
  • Stealth Mode

    The homie J-Will is in the building today to discuss the amount of privacy kids should have, if any. We talk about who do you gotta watch more, boys or girls. What we think should happen when our kids are dating and their mate is over. Is it a good thing to go through your daughter diary and do you let them know that you are doing it. Is the cell phone the new diary and if kids have no privacy will they grow up having trust issues?

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    53 分