Surrogacy can be quite expensive! In this week's podcast, my husband Dennis joins us as we share Money-Saving Tips and Financial Planning advice for your surrogacy journey. In the beginning, the cost may seem daunting, and you might even feel hopeless that your dreams won't come true. However, we're here to reassure you that there are various steps you can take to make your dreams a reality. I highly recommend checking out Men Having Babies as a valuable resource to kickstart your surrogacy journey. They offer an excellent assistance program. https://www.menhavingbabies.org/ https://www.menhavingbabies.org/assistance/criteria/ Additionally, we have created a detailed surrogacy cost video where we break down the expenses item by item. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEjqqCHw5RM&t=52s A special thank you to our sponsors, Family Formers and Florida Fertility Legal Services for making this episode possible. These organizations are dedicated to helping intended parents navigate the surrogacy process and bring their dreams of parenthood to life. Website: familyformers.com Phone Number: (561) 475-4419 Website: floridafertilitylegalservices.com Phone Number: 772-448-1956