Everyone's top priority when living alone is safety. Are the doors locked? Are the windows locked? Could someone easily break in? The community's security guards are on your side, right? In 1995, Jennifer Morey thought her new apartment complex was safe. Her doors and windows were locked and the complex had around the clock security. Everything wasn't as it seemed. In this episode, Makenna tells the incredible story of Jennifer Morey and how she survived the worst night of her life. Cynthia also shares some exiting news in the beginning, too!
Resources/More Readings:
Calliope Journal https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/calliope/
Appalachia Mysteria http://kromatic.media/audio
Morbid Episode https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/episode-70-the-survival-tale-of-jennifer-morey-mini-morbid/id1379959217?i=1000440327208
Houston Press Article https://www.houstonpress.com/news/false-sense-of-security-6587121
Instagram - terrosofthenightpodcast https://www.instagram.com/terrorsofthenightpodcast/
Email - totnapodcast@gmail.com