Chava Floryn-Tombosky is a spiritual educator and author of the book Everything's Gonna Be Okay. Rabbi Robbi Tombosky has been a rabbinical leader for nearly 30 years, and sought after teacher and speaker who is passionate about supporting individuals deepest values through the teachings of Judaism, Torah, meaningful self-exploration, and purposeful living. He is the founder of Sage Philanthropy Advisors, a social benefit enterprise that partners with brands, professional athletes, and celebrities who desire to change the world by engaging with causes that address big world challenges. Together with his wife, Chava, they lead the young professionals program at Beth Jacob congregation in Los Angeles, Ca.
In this episode, we explore touch-points from Chava's book, sharing personal anecdotes on navigating through unexpected trauma, and how we all have the ability to reemerge and reset better than before. Rabbi Robbie offers many considerations and potent insights rooted in both Judaic and gnostic wisdom - universal to all - such as: the gift of accountability, the nature of Heaven, having a personal sense of consequence, the seven tenets of the Talmudic sages, the immeasurable importance and mastery of ones' moral character, and the grace of crisis.
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