In 1956 Stanley Kubrick released his third feature-length movie, The Killing and earlier this sentence I gave serious thought to paying someone on taskrabbit to write this intro. This is a great episode. Jim Knipfel and Alex Zaitchik return. They are both great. I say some dumb bullshit but hopefully don’t ruin it. Sorry, I’m just out of gas right now but wanted to get the podcast up. Subscribe to Jim’s Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/jimknipfel/posts). it’s terrific. Alex's books (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Alexander+Zaitchik) are also terrific and are on sale at an amazon.com near you. The Sterling Hayden documentary is called Pharoahs of Chaos (https://www.facebook.com/mubi/videos/pharos-of-chaos-now-showing/581776812424549/)for some reason.