Mikie doesn't know what a lifelong standing invite is
RIP Iron Shiek, Tony Bennett & "Free Kevin" Mitnick
JJs 50th bday incoming
JJs son driving update - Mikie wants to know
Phalic dog toy
Mikie has moved into the Twilight Zone
Writer's Guild strike has had no effect on our podcast
Anniversary of "Pretty Hate Machine"
30th Anniversary of "My Cousin Vinny"
We're getting old, and finally admitting to it
Mikie can't hack the background noise: Sean...
STORY TIME: Mikie's work got shut down
Twatter & Threads: dumpster fire
Stadiums, jerseys, fields & advertising
Dolph Lundgren marries his 25 y/o Norwegian trainer
Sean's temptation to wax his ass...
Voluntary conservation: Thanks ERCOT!
Financial collapse incoming? CBDC push
Need to dispose of horse carcas?
Man shoots himself while in dream
Man shoots roommate for eating last Hot Pocket
Guardian picks up kids in stolen vehicle
Start of a new segment: Guess the city of the bizzarre story
D-I-L to be was long lost daughter
Man dies from sealing dick with epoxy - toxicity
City passes law making it illegal to stop store theft
CONTACT INFO: Phone: 936-397-8661 Email: sauce@tacojohnnypodcast.com Discord: taco_johnny Twatter: @tacojohnnypod Instagram: Taco_Johnny_Podcast Youtube: @tacojohnnypodcast SoundCloud: Taco Johnny
Intro sound bed: "Hex" by AngerShade (Mr. Brian Yegge) Outro sound bed: "Envy" by AngerShade (Mr. Brian Yegge)