Meet Dr. Zarya Rubin, MD, TedX speaker, and women's burnout expert. On this episode Dr. Rubin teaches us some of the unexpected signs of burnout, why it happens so often to women, and how to actually do something about it. She gives us access to her toolbox of methods to beat burnout and thrive.
You can find Dr. Rubin at the links below.
Website: www.drzarya.com IG: www.instagram.com/drzaryarubin LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drzaryarubin Private Women’s Wellness Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/268114707221770/ Subscribe to Newsletter: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/607b43d71717a7247c111359 BOOK: Thriving After Burnout: A Compilation of Real Stories and Strategies to Reduce Female Physician Burnout https://a.co/d/29qv87n TEDx Talk! The One Step To Alleviating Burnout https://youtu.be/xfubAfgkUzE?si=Y6vUdBXLWGpkAjG2