Thank you for listening to this weeks episode of the Twist My Arm podcast. Find updates on all your favorite twist my arm shows by visiting www.twistmyarmpodcast.com
This week we are debuting Part 1 of the first ever TMA PodCon! We are indie podcasters hoping to help out other indie podcasters! If you would like to check out the video version of TMAPodCon you can head to the following link--->https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTEnMWTEcJpqdP-WAy_F0Lt0451D6qsdK
Segment 1: Edit Out The Pain with Josh and Shawn(Cheap Seat Reviews Podcast)
Find Cheap Seat on twitter @cheapseatcast
Segment 2: Building A Loud, Loyal Audience with Jesse(Sudden But Inevitable)
Find SBI on twitter @SuddenBut
Thank you all for your continued support!