We talked with Tana Cofer about her amazing new company, Glitter Faced. This brand new product, just released in 2024, is an edible glitter that you add to your drinks. It makes your drinks look fun and amazing, great for parties!
Episode Highlights
- From corporate to small business ownership.
- Adventure and Jeep trails in Saratoga Springs.
- Leaving Pattern to aid small businesses.
- Launching Rosie Ray agency.
- Glitter Faced: Edible glitter for drinks.
- Essential online marketing strategies.
- Influencers as a marketing tactic.
- Importance of finding a niche market
Episode Resources
- Connect with Neil Bryce, Jeff Beck and Greg Spencer
- Left of the Lake Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288869046622439/?ref=share
- https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/leftofthelake/
- https://www.saratogasprings-ut.gov/284/Recreation
- Connect with Tana Cofer
- https://www.glitter-faced.com/