
  • 第91集: 中国历史上的刺杀事件 Assassinations in Chinese History

    刺杀事件是否只发生在现在? 过去有发生过什么样的刺杀呢?继第90集之后, 让我们穿越回中国数千年的历史, 聊聊中国古代历史上的谋杀事件: 专诸刺吴王, 荆轲刺秦王, 汪精卫刺载沣王。

    Do assassinations only happen now? What kind of assassinations have happened in the past? Following Episode 90, let's travel back thousands of years of Chinese history and talk about murders in ancient Chinese history: Zhuan Zhu (专诸) assassinated the King of Wu (吴王), Jing Ke (荆轲) assassinated the King of Qin (秦王), Wang Jingwei (汪精卫) assassinated the Regent of Zaifeng (载沣王).

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  • 第90集 : 特朗普遇刺 Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump


    * 一个口误,在节目的开头,应该是 “13日”,而不是 “30”日。

    On July 13, 2024, a shocking event occurred in the United States: former President Donald Trump was assassinated. How did this incident happen? Who was the attacker? How did the media respond to this event? Let’s explore these questions together.

    * A slip of tongue. In the beginning of the episode, it should be "13日" instead of "30日".

    ◉ 练习中文阅读: Maayot.com

    ◉ 联系乃耕,我们的音乐家: naigengliu@gmail.com

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  • 第89集: 我们回来了 ! We are back !


    播客换新音乐了。你想联系我们的音乐家吗?乃耕的电子邮箱 : naigengliu@gmail.com

    TeaTime Chinese podcast will be back officially this September! In this episode, Nathan talks about 3 little objectives moving forward.

    Our podcast changed its music! Do you want to contact our musician? Naigeng’s email address: naigengliu@gmail.com

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  • 第88集: 中国学生为什么出国留学? Why do Chinese students study abroad?

    时隔一个月,茶歇中文播客又回来了。最近,我完成了学校的考试,搬了家... 所以没能即使更新播客。希望大家理解。

    今天,在欧美各大学校里,我们都能看见中国留学生的影子。自从1872年清朝政府派遣 “留美幼童” 前往海外留学以来,中国学生对外国院校一直有挥之不去的憧憬。今天,中国学生为什么选择出国留学?毕业之后,他们又何去何从?

    After one month's break, TeaTime Chinese is back. Recently, I finished all of my exams at school. I also moved to a new place… which led to my unpunctual update of the podcast. I thank you for your understanding.

    Nowadays, in major schools and universities in Europe and America, it's commonplace to see Chinese students. Since the Qing Dynasty sent the first group of young children to America for study, Chinese students have always been fascinated by educational institutions of the West. Today, why do Chinese students choose to study abroad? After graduation, what will their choices be?

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  • 第87集: 中国的航天计划 Chinese Space Program

    冷战期间,美国和苏联两个大国比赛,谁有更好的火箭,谁能把人送上太空?刚刚成立的新中国虽然面临很多社会问题,但是也开始了自己的航天计划。从第一个火箭到第一个卫星,再到第一个去太空的中国人... … 中国人实现了 “飞天” 的梦想,把神话变成了现实。

    During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to see who would have the better rocket and who could send people into space. The newly founded People's Republic of China, despite being faced with many social problems, also started its own space program. From the first rocket to the first satellite, to the first Chinese man in space... Chinese people realized their dream of "flying to the sky" and turned the myth into reality.

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  • 第86集: 中国的茶文化 Tea Culture of China

    你能相信吗?这是《茶歇中文播客》第一次给大家介绍 “茶文化”。4000多年前,神农在尝试各种植物时中毒,吃了茶叶之后,恢复健康。从此,人们开始喝茶。在中国,“荼” 和 “茶” 字通用,在不同地区有不同的发音。唐朝以来,喝茶成为中国人的习惯。再后来,茶去了亚洲别的国家,还去了欧洲。欧洲人把茶叶看作是很珍贵的饮料。在今天的中国,年轻人越来越喜欢喝咖啡。茶渐渐地以奶茶的形式进入年轻人的生活。

    Can you believe that? This is the first time that we talk about "tea culture" at TeaTime Chinese. 4,000 years ago, Shennong was poisoned whilst he was tasting different herbs. After accidentally eating tea leaves, he recovered from poisoning. From then on, people started drinking tea. In China, "Tu" and "Cha" are interchangeable, and are pronounced differently in different regions. Since the Tang Dynasty, drinking tea has become a daily habit for the Chinese people. Later on, tea went to other Asian countries, before it went to Europe. In Europe, people saw tea as a precious beverage. Today, young Chinese people have a preference for coffee. Tea remains in young people's lives in the form of milk tea.

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  • 第85集: Google的Gemini,《1984》和其他科技

    2024年的1月,苹果公司发布了虚拟现实眼镜 Apple Vision Pro。一个月后,在今年的2月,谷歌公司发布了最新的人工智能Gemini。随着科技的进步,世界每天都在变化。虽然这些科技公司都说想要增进人与人之间的关系,但是我们看见,越来越多的人感到孤独。年轻人因为社交媒体而自杀的事件层出不穷。这些科技的进步会带我们去哪里?

    In January 2024, Apple released its new virtual reality goggles: Apple Vision Pro. One month later, in February, Google announced its newest artificial intelligence: Gemini. The world is changing every day with ever advancing technologies. Though all tech companies promise to bring people closer than ever before, we are seeing a growing population of young people feeling lonelier than ever before. Suicides caused by social media is rising. Where are these technological advancements leading us toward?

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  • 第84集: 新年好 Happy New Year

    2024年的2月10日(星期六)是中国传统的新年,也叫春节。对于很多人来说,这是和亲戚,朋友们团坐一桌,共享佳肴的时光。从古至今,写春联,放鞭炮,吃年夜饭是中国人不能缺少的习俗。到了今天,很多家庭有看 "春节联欢晚会“ 的习惯。除此之外,在亚洲的很多地方,人们用自己独特的方式庆祝春节,欢迎春天的来到。

    February 10th, 2024 (Saturday) is the traditional Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. For many people, this is a time for relatives and friends to sit around the dinner table and enjoy good food. Since ancient times, writing Spring Couplets, igniting firecrackers and having New Year's Eve dinner have been indispensable customs for the Chinese people. Today, watching the "Spring Festival Gala" has become a habit for many Chinese families. Besides, in many places in Asia, people celebrate the Spring Festival in their unique ways, in anticipation of the coming of spring. 

    • 1983年的 “春节联欢晚会”

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