Nick revisits the memorable episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Tony and Oscar-winning singer and actress Ariana DeBose. This standout show featured great material, stellar musical performances, and one of the best, weirdest, and funniest "12:50 Sketches" of all time: Kitchen Staff, also known as At The End of the Day…Lurr. In this hilariously bizarre sketch, the kitchen staff at a Texarkana Longhorn Steakhouse clash with their eccentric boss, played by the always hilarious Heidi Gardner. The episode also included a fantastic Cold Open where President Biden hilariously blames COVID on Spider-Man, a fabulous opening monologue by DeBose, and a delightful parody of The Sound of Music. This celebration of an excellent SNL episode and the unforgettable "Lurr" sketch is a must-listen! [Ep102]