
  • The One About Mindsets in Dating

    In this episode, Evonne and Angie talk "Love is Blind" and what they liked about the Netflix show and what they didn't.  They also dive into the topics of dating, how to meet someone, and discuss thoughts that are easy to believe as a single. They discuss how negative mindsets affect how one feels and even affects how a single will carry his or herself in dating.  Mindsets majorly affect a person's dating game!

    They also talk about how to have faith when the brain is looking for physical evidence to prove "you will never meet someone."  Most brains think it’s easier to believe the negative than to have faith and belief that God has their best in mind and that He WILL accomplish His perfect plan for our lives.

    Angie and Evonne cover how mindsets tie into our faith journey and how the faith journey now WILL impact your future as well. 

    Listen today if you want to improve your dating experiences and get the most out of it as well as see dating as an opportunity to grow in your personal faith journey.

    Share this episode with someone you love and know who could benefit in the dating world or in their own faith journey. 

    Visit us at https://adventuringsolo.com as well as contact us on Instagram or Facebook.

    Producer- Wes Powers of https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com




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  • The One Where Your Sibling Gets Married

    It’s wedding season again and in this episode, Evonne and Angie discuss the topic of how to navigate your sibling getting married and the new changes that occur within a family unit with a new in-law.  Evonne starts by talking about her personal experience when her younger sister got married before she did and the emotions she struggled with during that time.  Angie then shares how to walk through this situation in a way that can improve your emotional wellbeing during your sibling’s wedding so that you can enjoy the wedding. 

     They also talk about how to deal with the feeling of possibly losing your sibling to marriage and even what to do if you don’t like your new in-law. 

    We hope you find this new episode helpful and once again we would love to hear from you if this podcast has been encouraging or a place where you feel you can gain some wisdom for this season of life. 

    Please help us out taking a minute to think of even one person who you know could benefit from or you know would enjoy our podcast and share an episode by texting it to them.  We want to our content to be helpful to as many people as possible.  This is where you can help us.  We appreciate it! 

    You can also find more content at our website, https://adventuringsolo.com


    Producer: Wesley Powers of Spark Joy Film and Photo – https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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  • Bonus Episode 4 - Enneagram 3 Part 2

    In this episode, Scott, Evonne and Angie continue their conversation with Kristyn McIntyre who is a 3 personality on the Enneagram. Kristyn gives some thoughts on being a 3 who is single. We also talk about what 3's are like in relationships, what they can offer a partner and what blindspots 3's may have when they begin a dating relationship.  We then discuss how 3’s can balance the desire for what they expect and want with what they actually need in a partner. Scott also gives us tips on how to encourage and support your partner who is a 3.  

    We hope that these episodes on the enneagram can help you as you learn about your own personality to be able to enter into relationships in a healthier way than ever before.  We also hope that this knowledge can help you see others through a new lens of understanding that every personality is different and how that plays a huge factor in how we relate to one another. 

    This information can help you as you are dating, are in a serious romantic relationship, and also other types of relationships in your life.  We encourage you to take a listen to these enneagram episodes to help yourself grow more into the person God created you. 

    We hope you enjoy this episode.

    Producer: Wesley Powers of https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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  • Episode 17 - The One Where Infertility Looks Alot Like Singleness - Interview With Alisha Mitchell

    In this episode, Evonne sits down with Alisha Mitchell, host of the podcast, The Feelings Couch, to talk about her journey with Infertility.  This episode is very special because the struggle of infertility can feel similar to the wait for meeting a spouse.  For singles, this episode can offer great wisdom into how to deal with the wait for a deep longing of the heart. Alisha is very candid about her desire to be a mother someday and her wrestling with God in the waiting.  The hope is that as listeners hear Alisha's story that they will feel a sense of comaraderie with others who have desires that have yet to be fulfilled. 

    Listen to this episode and feel encouraged whether you relate to Alisha's journey of infertility or whether it's a different path of waiting.  More than anything, Evonne and Angie hope that listeners will see that no matter what season of waiting one may be in, they are not alone.  We can walk with and learn from one another's life adventures even when they look different. 

    Learn more about what Alisha is doing on Instagram @alishabravely and check her podcast The Feelings Couch at https://open.spotify.com/show/2WBtdbhovCYxOiFvGcnuGU?si=aoFmao49Qrixtj7tGfrJhw

    Producer:  Wesley Powers - https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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  • Episode 16 - The Difference Between A Thriving Single and A Surviving Single

    In this episode, Evonne and Angie sit down to have a conversation about how single adults can thrive in solo living instead of just surviving it.  It's easy to let one's longings get in the way of making the most of singleness and Evonne and Angie hope that this episode will help listeners find some new ways to enjoy their solo living. 

    If you find that you are enjoying this podcast please share it with your friends and family.  This is the number 1 way to help us get our show out there so more people can hear the content we are working hard to get out there.  We would also love it if you would leave us a rating and review on your favorite podcast app. 

    We also have more to share through our website https://adventuringsolo.com. On the site you can find our blog and more support.  You can also reach out to us throug our website or through our instagram and fb pages @adventuringsolopodcast

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  • Bonus Episode 3 - Enneagram 3's Part 1

    Join us in listening to this episode as we continue our Bonus series on the Enneagram.  We will go through each number personality and discuss what each number is like and what characteristics make up each number.  If you are interested in personalities and learning more about yourself and/or the people in your life, check out these bonus episodes.  We also cover the topic of dating and how each number functions in relationships with the people in their lives.

    Are you an Enneagram 3 or do you have a person in your life who is a 3? If so, then you want to listen to this episode.  In this episode, Angie, Evonne, and Scott meet with Kristyn McIntyre who is a single adult who is also a 3 on the Enneagram.  We have a great conversation with her where we discuss what 3's are like in a relationship and what they have to offer a partner. 

    If you enjoy these episodes on the Enneagram, please share it with your friends and family on your social media pages.  Sharing our show with those in your life is the top way to get what we do out there.  We would love to hear any feedback you may have as well.  You can contact Evonne or Angie through our website https://adventuringsolo.com, or through our Instagram and Facebook pages Adventuring Solo Podcast.  We would love to hear from you!

    Producer - Wesley Powers of Spark Joy Film and Photo https://www.sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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  • Episode 15 - The One Where The Single Mom Finds Family Within The Church

    In this episode, Angie and Evonne talk with guest, Candace Collins.  Candace is a single mother who is passionate about helping other single moms thrive, helping others learn more about budgeting, healthy money habits for kids, and Jesus most of all.  On this episode, Candace shares with us her experiences as a single young woman who eventually became a single young mother.  She talks with us about the things she has learned as she has journeyed through singleness and motherhood and then shares how the church became a place of community and even family for her as she has been parenting her daughter.  She also talks with us about her thoughts on her personal relationship with dating as a single mom in this current online dating culture and the importance of prayer through that journey.

    If you are interested in learning more about Candace and the things she is currently working on, you can follow her at @candacevcollins on Instagram or on TicToc.

    We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.  Candace offers wisdom for singles and single parents alike through things she has lived and learned over the years.

    As always, please leave us a rating or review on your favorite podcast listening app.  Most of all, share our podcast with your friends and family.  This is the best way to get our podcast out there to more people so others can be encouraged. 

    Check us out on https://adventuringsolo.com where you can subscribe so you won't miss anything in the future.

    Producer: Wesley Powers - https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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  • Bonus Episode #2 - Enneagram 2's Part 2

    In this 2nd part of our Bonus Episode about the Enneagram, Evonne and Angie continue their conversation with Scott DeSanders about Enneagram 2's.  In this second half, they discuss the blindspots of 2's when it comes to dating relationships and what to look out for in dating.

    Join us for this last half of the conversation to learn more about yourself as a two or to learn how to understand the twos in your life better. If you would like to learn more about the enneagram 2, you can email us at evonne@adventuringsolo.com with any questions you may have.

    Check out our website for previous episodes and blogs by our hosts at https://adventuringsolo.com https://adventuringsolo.com

    If you like what you are hearing, please subscribe and follow us on your favorite listening app so you don't miss any upcoming episodes.

    Producer: Wesley Powers of https://sparkjoyfilmandphoto.com

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