Thomas Ashton finds himself unexpectedly shaken by a seemingly innocent piece of art, stirring long-buried memories and dangerous impulses. As he grapples with his past and his insatiable urges, a chance encounter on the streets of Miami threatens to unravel his carefully constructed facade.
Meanwhile, Detective Rico faces mounting pressure to let sleeping dogs lie, but his relentless pursuit of justice may come at a steep price. And in Philadelphia, echoes from the past resurface, revealing the origins of a monster and the pivotal moment that set Thomas on his dark path.
Don't miss Episode 9: 'Buddy' – where childhood memories and present-day temptations collide, forcing The Artist to confront the very essence of his twisted nature. In the delicate balance between control and chaos, will Thomas finally slip?"
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Meanwhile, Detective Rico faces mounting pressure to let sleeping dogs lie, but his relentless pursuit of justice may come at a steep price. And in Philadelphia, echoes from the past resurface, revealing the origins of a monster and the pivotal moment that set Thomas on his dark path.
Don't miss Episode 9: 'Buddy' – where childhood memories and present-day temptations collide, forcing The Artist to confront the very essence of his twisted nature. In the delicate balance between control and chaos, will Thomas finally slip?"
Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get all our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed!
Subscribe now for exclusive shows like 'Palace Intrigue,' and get bonus content from Deep Crown (our exclusive Palace Insider!) Or get 'Daily Comedy News,' and '5 Good News Stories’ with no commercials! Plans start at $4.99 per month, or save 20% with a yearly plan at $49.99. Join today and help support the show!
We now have Merch! FREE SHIPPING! Check out all the products like T-shirts, mugs, bags, jackets and more with logos and slogans from your favorite shows! Did we mention there’s free shipping? Get 10% off with code NewMerch10 Go to Caloroga.com
Get more info from Caloroga Shark Media and if you have any comments, suggestions, or just want to get in touch our email is info@caloroga.com