The stakes have never been higher for Detective Mick Reyes as he grapples with the devastating aftermath of the masquerade ball. With Valeria missing and another victim discovered, Reyes finds himself spiraling into a dark place, questioning everything he thought he knew about the case.
As the body count rises and the clues become more personal, Reyes must confront his own demons and face the possibility that he's become entangled in the Artist's deadly game. With his career on the line and his sanity hanging by a thread, can Reyes unravel the mystery before it's too late?
Meanwhile, Thomas continues his reign of terror, leaving a trail of horrifying "masterpieces" in his wake. But as he grows bolder, is he also growing careless?
Don't miss Episode 5: "Crimson Palette" – where the hunter becomes the hunted in a pulse-pounding race against time through Miami's neon-lit underbelly."
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As the body count rises and the clues become more personal, Reyes must confront his own demons and face the possibility that he's become entangled in the Artist's deadly game. With his career on the line and his sanity hanging by a thread, can Reyes unravel the mystery before it's too late?
Meanwhile, Thomas continues his reign of terror, leaving a trail of horrifying "masterpieces" in his wake. But as he grows bolder, is he also growing careless?
Don't miss Episode 5: "Crimson Palette" – where the hunter becomes the hunted in a pulse-pounding race against time through Miami's neon-lit underbelly."
Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get all our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed!
Subscribe now for exclusive shows like 'Palace Intrigue,' and get bonus content from Deep Crown (our exclusive Palace Insider!) Or get 'Daily Comedy News,' and '5 Good News Stories’ with no commercials! Plans start at $4.99 per month, or save 20% with a yearly plan at $49.99. Join today and help support the show!