Revelation: The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something unexplainable relating to human existence or the world.
The expectation to understand everything, while worthy, is unreasonable. Some things can’t be counted in the time frame of existence, some knowledge is so alien to our mind we can’t put it in a structure of understanding.
Don’t shun such knowledge and such things. It is pure vanity to believe we have a grasp on reality just for understanding a few of its laws.
Think about it.
We can only understand the things close to our scale, everything that is significantly larger or smaller is outside our grasp.
We can only see things that get revealed by the light, everything that is finer than the top if its range or coarser than its bottom is invisible to us.
If I were to move so fast that, as you blink, I shifted my position from this side of you to the other, your mind could not find a reasonable explanation, and would think me magical.
Faraway things may look real to us, when in fact they are just mirages of light.
You say that the mirage phenomenon is not foreign to our understanding, and that we all heard about the strange tricks eyes play on weary travelers when they’re lost in the desert, thirsty and exhausted.