Welcome to the debut episode of The Bridge! In this exciting first installment, host Emma Coffman is joined by Sherman Brown, the innovative farm manager of Summerfield Farms. Together, they delve into the multifaceted world of sheep farming, covering topics such as nutrition, breeding, pasture management, meat processing, and predator control.
Sherman also introduces us to the unique breeds he works with, including Clun Forest and Dorper sheep, and shares his expertise on forage selection, farming practices, and health management. Beyond that, Sherman discusses his passion for problem-solving and the incredible inventions he's created to make farm operations more efficient and sustainable.
This episode is packed with insights into agricultural technology and practical tools that highlight the balance between tradition and innovation in modern farming. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation that sets the tone for The Bridge—a podcast dedicated to connecting producers and consumers through shared understanding.
Subscribe today to The Bridge and join us as we explore the people, practices, and progress shaping the future of agriculture!
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