In this episode of Poe's Magic, host Vine introduces listeners to an upcoming mystical event, the All Souls' Day Masquerade Gala, hosted at the iconic Poe's Magic Theatre. The grand event features a variety of intriguing activities, from scavenger hunts and costume contests to a magical headline show by acclaimed mental magic performer, Vince Wilson. The episode tantalizes listeners with descriptions of the elaborate hors d'oeuvres to be served, the live music performance by award-winning violinist, Stephanie Strings, and the extraordinary acts of performers London St. Juniper and Rik E King. Vine assures a memorable night full of enchantment and intrigue, urging listeners to secure their tickets for the masquerade gala that offers both a general and VIP admission. He provides other important details concerning the venue and timing, emphasizing the night's blend of elegance and mystery, before wrapping up the episode with a reminder for their show notes and an invitation for feedback and suggestions. Get your tickets here: https://www.poesmagic.com/shows/258997