The gods and demons churn the ocean for the nectar of immortality, a potion that will give them everlasting life and superhuman strength. They churn together in a spirit of collaboration but each is determined to cheat the other out of their share of the nectar and keep it just for themselves. This is a story that goes back to the beginning of time and yet it is a story that could have happened yesterday - depictions, power struggles, promises made and broken and the ongoing struggle for survival in the face of all odds. The samudra manthan is originally told in the Srimad Bhagwatam and is the most famous of the Hindu creation stories. Follow me on Instagram @seemaanandstorytelling Music by Merlin D’Souza @musicbymerlin Supported by ECDP @essexcdp Supported by Active Essex @active_essex Artwork by @rsdcreative