
  • Modern Times by Paul Johnson: A Book Review

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    Knowing our modern history for the past hundred years is vital to understanding where we are today. In 1991 Paul Johnson republished his sweeping history of Modern Times and it is still relevant for current moderns these 30 years later. And it is amazing how fast we forget what we should have never forgot.

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  • Noah and His Days: A NT Commentary on Genesis

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    Noah has been laughed at by the world for many years due to his association with a world wide flood and a bunch of smelly animals on a boat. The reality is that the Bible and Jesus in particular takes Noah and what he stands for very seriously. It is high time that we do so again. Join Caleb on this episode as he traces Noah from the pre-flood days all the way up to our own time.

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  • Enoch Pleased God: NT Commentary on Genesis

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    Enoch is an enigmatic figure in the Old Testament, but the New Testament tells us about his faith life. There is also an amazing prophecy from Enoch recorded in the New Testament. What is it that we can still discover about ourselves from this ancient and mysterious man?

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  • Two Paths for Humanity: New Testament Commentary on Genesis

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    Cain and Abel offer a glimpse into the truth that all humans are ultimately on one of two paths. Path number one is a path that leads to death, while path number two is a path that leads to life.

    Follow along with Caleb as he examines these two paths and shows that there is deeper philosophical and spiritual truth resident in the Cain and Abel account than what lies just at the surface.

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  • The Abolition of Man by CS Lewis: A Book Review

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    CS Lewis' The Abolition of Man is in the top 10 of the National Review's Most Influential Books of the 20th Century list. What makes this book so important? Only that in 1943 CS Lewis predicted the current state of our Western Culture as a result of an obsession with feelings over Reason.

    Join Caleb in this exploration of this important book that will shed light on the reasons why we think the way we do today as a society at large, and what will ultimately cause our demise, if left uncorrected.

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  • Life Knowledge Good Evil Death: Fundamental Questions in Humanity Part 2

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    Much of life is full of mysteries that can be boiled down to Life, Death, Knowledge, Good and Evil. The Old Testament addresses all of these issues and leaves one feeling wanting for resolution. Enter then the New Testament. What we find now is that foundational human longing and questions can be resolved in Jesus Christ. We must read the Old Testament in light of the New Testament in order to get the fullest understanding possible.

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  • Life Knowledge Good Evil Death: Fundamental Questions in Humanity Part 1

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    This is a part one episode in the series on New Testament Commentary on the Book of Genesis. Genesis Two introduces the concepts of Life, Knowledge, Good Evil and Death which are all fundamental to human exploration within our existence. The Bible give clear insight into these highly important concepts.

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  • Made in Our Image: A New Testament Commentary on Genesis

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    The Bible tells us that God made man in His own image. What does that mean for us today and for society as a whole. Is it even a reasonable belief? Additionally, what does the NT say about the 'Image of God'? Join Caleb in this episode as he explores these questions and brings about a fuller understanding of what it means to be human.

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