Don Marshall, also known as The Obscure Lord of the Rings Facts Guy, is a creative storyteller across the internet - from TikTok to YouTube, you can find Don creatively expanding on his Tolkien knowledge through both short and long format videos. Don and I have become great friends through an online ttrpg game he hosts called The Unpredicted Party, and it was an honor to have him on The Creative Workshop to take a peak behind his creative process. Join us for a fun conversation about his journey from journalism to content creator, storytelling, creative burnout, facing your inner critic, and so much more! Don Marshall started his career as journalist, and after 10 years in journalism he turned his creative energy to TikTok which inadvertently launch his journey as a content creator. Don makes Tolkien-related content on TikTok, Twitch, YouTube & Instagram. The Unpredicted Party: Don's TikTok: Don's Instagram: Don's YouTube: Max Randolph is a blacksmith artist who specializes in fantasy blacksmithing and sculptural metal art, located in Paso Robles, California. Patreon: Website: TikTok: Instagram: