The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast

著者: The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast
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  • Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study the Bible together and through the experiences of other believers, learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives.

    Here’s just some of what we cover in The Crosswalk Daily Devotional Podcast:

    ☕️ Why the Tongue Can't Be Tamed (And What to Do about It)
    ☕️ The Quickest Way to an Attitude Adjustment
    ☕️ Your Birthday: The Most and Least Important Day of Your Life
    ☕️ Noticing God's Blessings in the Hardest Moments of Life
    ☕️ One of the Sneakiest Lies Satan Is Telling the Church
    ☕️ How to Push Through the Weariness of Prayer
    ☕️ 3 Steps to Take When Facing Temptation
    ☕️ What to Remember during a Stressful Election Year

    If you love what you're listening to on the podcast, be sure to check out our companion devotional at

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  • A Prophetic Dream

    God uses visions, dreams, and words to give people vision, direction, and hope for the future. What word may God be giving you to help you in your future?

    SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:

    Your Daily Prayer:
    Your Daily Bible Verse:

    Full Transcript Below:

    A Prophetic Dream

    “In the last days, God says, I will pour my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17

    “Can I talk to you?”

    Our daughter came to my husband and me one day and said she wanted to talk to us after church. Expecting the worst, we thought she would say something like she was walking away from God or having difficulty with someone in the church. Instead, she told us about a vision God had given her during worship in the church service. She said she felt the Lord gave her a vision of a camp where she used to work.

    She believed God told her to "remember the camp.” She'd previously worked at this camp as a counselor in training. She had not returned the year before because she was busy working and getting her driver's license. She felt strongly that the Lord was calling her back to become a counselor and minister to the kids at the camp over the summer.

    We were ecstatic. We were glad to hear that the Lord was working in her life and that he had a specific plan for her for service during the summer. She did return to the camp and came back completely transformed. Not only was she able to speak life into the kids of the camp, but she also felt the Lord spoke to her many times and used her powerfully to give morning devotions and lead worship.

    Although she was excited about the camp two years prior, she decided not to return to camp the year before. This decision to not return made her less enthusiastic about serving there. She would never have gone back if it hadn't been for the Lord speaking to her. Because of his vision, she went back and was used powerfully by the Lord, who was able to transform her life. After that year, she bought commentaries, studied the Word, and even started a small group with others to teach them about the Word, too.

    Although the above verse is given in the Book of Acts, it is a prophecy from the prophet Joel. Joel tells his prophecy to the people to encourage them that God will use younger and older people through dreams and prophetic words to impact people to believe in the Lord. The Acts Church was on fire and had manifestations of the miraculous gifts in people. People received the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues, and gave prophetic words.

    It was so abnormal they appeared to unbelievers like they were drunk. People of this church were accused of being intoxicated at 9:00 AM. But Peter gets up and corrects them. He reminds them that it's only 9:00 AM and that they are not drunk but that this is fulfilling the prophet Joel's words to his people.

    God uses prophetic words, visions, and dreams to instruct, comfort, and encourage his people. Not only are prophetic words a foretelling of the future, but they can also be a word that gives people hope and direction. These prophetic words encouraged Peter, and he used them as a word of instruction to those who had trouble believing that the people were not drunk but instead receiving the Holy Spirit. In the same way, God used the prophetic vision to encourage my daughter to return to her camp.

    Because of this, her life was forever changed. Not only this, but she could change other people's lives forever, too. It has been two years since that vision, and she has returned to camp. Both times, she has come back excited about what the Lord has for her in the future. At the time of this writing, she plans on going to college to begin her career in ministry.

    God uses visions, dreams, and words to give people vision, direction, and hope for the future. What word may God be giving you to help you in your future?

    God, let us take a moment to appreciate the profound way in which you communicate with us. Your words can pierce our hearts, provide correction, and offer encouragement when needed. Let us strive to listen and obey what we feel he is speaking to us. Amen.

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  • Are You Thirsty for God?
    The way we thirst for God more is to spend more time with Him. The more we drink from the well that is His love and goodness, the more we want of it! SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Are You Thirsty for God? By Sarah Frazer O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;my soul thirsts for you;my flesh faints for you,as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 (ESV) When my children were little, they were always thirsty. No matter how many times I filled their sippy cups, they always needed more. On those hot summer days or after an intense workout, we’ve all experienced deep thirst. Every living thing needs water to survive, but do we recognize the thirst of our souls? I’m talking about the ache we feel when life is fine on the outside, but deep inside, without our souls, we feel empty. The thirst we experience in our hearts is sometimes hard to recognize. There have been seasons in my life where I’ve been filled with so many activities, to-dos, and responsibilities that I don’t even recognize the thirst happening. My calendar fills up, and every week, I fill my days with good things like serving in church, caring for my family, and helping those in need. Sometimes, my work for God takes away from my relationship with God. If we find ourselves too busy to spend time in prayer and reading His Word, we might be too busy to even notice the thirst we have in our souls. If those things, even the good activities, were taken away, would we feel satisfied? The author of Psalm 63, David, understood that the true purpose in his life was to be filled with God. This psalm begins with this title: “A Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah.” Most commentaries believe this is either before David became king, (1 Samuel 23:14) or during the time later in his life when his son, Absalom, took over the kingdom. David had to flee for a brief period of time. (2 Samuel 15) Either way, David felt a thirst we often overlook in our own lives. Being in the wilderness, fearing for your life, isn’t something you and I face, but we have faced times in our lives when it seems as if everyone is against us, and we are all alone. Have you ever felt so alone that even God felt distant? I think David was feeling that when he wrote Psalm 63. The first verse reminds us that when we are all alone, we should not be seeking anything but God. David says, “earnestly I seek you…” In the King James Version, this Hebrew word is translated as “early will I seek you…” He is trying to convey the idea of seeking God first before turning to other sources of help. David says that when we face a wilderness season, it is easy to fill our lives with things, people, or activities. Instead, what our hearts should seek is God Himself. Psalm 63 goes on to describe the things about God that cause us to want to seek Him. Power and glory belong to God (Psalm 63:2), and God’s steadfast love (Psalm 63:3) is better than life itself. Anything in this world we would gain is better than God’s steadfast love. God has been his help and protection all of his life. (Psalm 63:7-8) All of these things, glory, love, and protection, give us reason to seek after God. David did not write Psalm 63 when life was easy. At the end of this chapter, we see that there were people who were seeking his life. (Psalm 63:9) They were lying about him (Psalm 63:11), but because David was seeking God, they would not triumph over him. We might not have people out to kill us, but we do have an enemy who would like to see us destroyed. (Ephesians 6:12) One of the ways he likes to attach us is to keep us busy. We cannot let our lives rush past us without being filled with God. I’ll admit sometimes, when I am facing a crisis or a period of deep sorrow and grief, the easy choice is to run to other things. Our world holds many distractions that keep us from seeing the thirst in our hearts. David recognized that the real thing his soul needed was God. There is a beautiful prayer by A. W. Tozer that says: “O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still….” Do we long for God like that? I admit that I am not thirsty for God like I should be, but we can pray for our hearts to long for Him more. The more time and attention David spent with God, both in scripture reading and prayer, the more David longed for God. The same can be said of us. The way we thirst for God more is to spend more time with Him. The more we drink from the well that is His love and goodness, the more we want of it! Intersecting Faith & ...
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    7 分
  • Grace Upon Grace
    In what ways has pride gotten in the way of you embracing God’s generous grace in your life? How have you seen God use your weakness as a chance for him to display his power at work on your behalf? Is repentance a part of your daily life? Bring your failures to his feet and embrace the gracious power of forgiveness at work in your life today! SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Grace Upon Grace By: Amanda Idleman 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. The more time you spend on Earth the more aware you become of your great need for grace. We need grace upon grace to love God and love others as the Bible calls us to do. The beautiful thing about God’s kingdom is that he sees our weaknesses as an opportunity to show his great love for us. His power is made perfect when I fail! He is there for me when I am in need, when I don’t have the right answer to the problem, and the list goes on. As a biological, foster, and adoptive Mom I am learning to embrace grace in a whole new way. I am not enough for the task in front of me everyday. I am weak, I am impatient, I get tired, cranky, and I can’t always give my kids everything they need from me. I’ll be honest this reality that I am weak, that I need Jesus, and that he’s called me to a work that is more than I can handle on my own has left me feeling very discouraged. There are many days that I do not want to embrace grace. I just choose to wallow, feeling like a failure, and not trusting that God provides all that I need. My journey has highlighted one reality that when I live with pride I can’t grasp onto the grace that is always available to me through Christ. My pride says I can figure this out all on my own. It says I don’t deserve to be forgiven when I mess up. It keeps God at arms length rather than choosing to really trust that he is as good and capable as he says He is! Thankfully God’s Spirit is at work in me and he corrects my pride by gently showing me that the Bible invites me to participate in a beautiful exchange. Romans 6:14 reports, “For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.” Grace is what covers our sins and we cannot be forgiven until we ask to be forgiven. We have to participate in the opportunity we have to receive grace. We must release our sin to Him and accept his promise of forgiveness. In summary living a grace filled life starts with repentance. Many of us long-time-doing-good Christians forget that daily repentance is essential to our faith journey. I never outgrow my need for Jesus. As I mature in my faith what comes more clear is how dependent I am on his good gifts. How much my weakness is abundant and his grace makes something beautiful out of my brokenness. As we embrace repentance that grace then leads us into a relationship with our Creator. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”God does not stop at just making right our wrongs he invites us near to his throne of grace the place we can find mercy and relationship with Him. It’s in the presence of the King that we find the fruits of the Spirit. We experience love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Then we through the power of the Holy Spirit can embody the character of God. Grace upon grace is what we must cling to each day. When we realize this truth we can let go of some of the pressure we put on ourselves to ‘get things right.’ We can place that worry back onto Jesus and once again rely on his power to do what only he can do in our lives. I am so grateful for the great generosity of God at work in my life and your life everyday. Intersecting Faith and Life In what ways has pride gotten in the way of you embracing God’s generous grace in your life? How have you seen God use your weakness as a chance for him to display his power at work on your behalf? Is repentance a part of your daily life? Bring your failures to his feet and embrace the gracious power of forgiveness at work in your life today! Further Reading Grace Upon Grace What Grace Means This Is Amazing Grace Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study the Bible together and through the experiences of other believers, learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives.

Here’s just some of what we cover in The Crosswalk Daily Devotional Podcast:

☕️ Why the Tongue Can't Be Tamed (And What to Do about It)
☕️ The Quickest Way to an Attitude Adjustment
☕️ Your Birthday: The Most and Least Important Day of Your Life
☕️ Noticing God's Blessings in the Hardest Moments of Life
☕️ One of the Sneakiest Lies Satan Is Telling the Church
☕️ How to Push Through the Weariness of Prayer
☕️ 3 Steps to Take When Facing Temptation
☕️ What to Remember during a Stressful Election Year

If you love what you're listening to on the podcast, be sure to check out our companion devotional at

The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcastに寄せられたリスナーの声
