
  • W(ar)ship (ft. Caden George & Lilly Thao)

    Scripture Focus: John 4:23-24 - But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

    Humans, at our core, have a desire to worship. This worship is not just songs or musical melodies, but ultimately an offering of attention and praise that is revealed with our lifestyle. Worship can be towards physical idols such as people, possessions, or entertainment or non-material idols such as over-fantasizing, self-approval, or productivity. However, our soul is truly satisfied when the Object of our worship is toward our ultimate Source: Jesus, because He is our true affection in a world that is broken.

    Join Justice Toby with special guests Lilly Thao and Caden George as we discuss the act of worship and its necessity in our warfare.

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    57 分
  • The Way You Act Ft. Awwso Desvignes

    Scripture Focus: James 2:26 - For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

    Many people, even Christians at times, fall into the trap of behavior modification: Changing behavior based on learned techniques. This wears out the individual, trusting in the strength of man's ability and theory rather than God's authority. Scripture lets us know, however, that it is the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who enables, empowers, and edifies the Christian to WALK in the ways of Jesus and ultimately become more like Him. God made a way for us to be with Him through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but He also has a unique purpose for us in His Kingdom that starts with God-filled faith by way of the Holy Spirit.

    Join Justice Toby and special guest Awwso Desvignes as we discuss this TikTok phrase the Kingdom way!

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    51 分
  • Pray or Be Prey Ft. Joshua Wilborn-Hinton & Tyce Holmes

    Scripture Focus: Matthew 26:41 - Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

    Prayer, though it has many uses, is, at its source, direct communication with God. Prayer is pivotal for a fruitful relationship with God, and a continual severed relationship with sin and the devil. Some prayers God doesn’t hear, some prayers God does hear, but we know that God honors heart posture (humility) and belief (faith) and brings things to pass on His TIMING and His WILL! Join Justice Toby and special guests Joshua Wilborn-Hinton and Tyce Holmes as we discuss the secret and not-so-secret weapon of prayer!

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    47 分
  • Jesus: The Ultimate Servant

    Scripture Focus: Matthew 20:28 - "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, to give His life as ransom for many."

    Jesus came and showed us a transformative viewpoint of servitude through the teachings that He taught and the life that He lived. Join Justice Toby as we talk about the 5 Kingdom ways in which Jesus served!

    Let's talk with the Daily Walk!

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    44 分
  • Season 3 Trailer

    Most of us are suffering because of the lack of belief in this one truth: God wants to be for you, not against you. You probably don’t know this because you don’t know who Jesus is, what He has come to offer and how to accept His invitation into relationship with God.

    This season of The Daily Walk Podcast will dive into the Bible and see what it has to say about who Jesus is, what He offers, and how to apply it in the midst of the obstacles and trials life has.

    Stay tuned and hold tight, as the first episode is set to release on October 23rd! Afterwards, it will be weekly on Wednesdays.

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    1 分
  • Our Last Episode: Recent Experiences, Biggest Lessons, & Next Steps

    Join Tyce Holmes and Justice Toby as we discuss past experiences, new beginnings, and a consistent God through it all! Let's talk with the Daily Walk, one last time, together!

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    39 分
  • Embarrassed or Embrace?

    There are many ways to share the Gospel with the people around us but do we do it all the time? Sometimes we see it as an inconvenience to share the Good News with someone because of possible judgement or ridicule.

    Join Tyce Holmes and Justice Toby as we highlight the prominent reasons why believers must share the Gospel boldly and embrace the epitome of love God has shown us through Christ Jesus

    Scripture Focus: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: First to the Jew then to the Gentile" - Romans 1:16.

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    45 分
  • Built in Christ

    During the span of our lives, we are building some kind of kingdom or legacy. However, before a building in put together, a foundation is first laid. What foundation are you building your life on? Is is stable? Can it stand the storms of life? Walk with Tyce Holmes and Justice Toby as we go through God's word on what a life built in Christ looks like and how you can apply it to your life.

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    31 分