• The December-Rose Podcast Series, Season 2, Episode 3 - Mindfulness & Creativity
    Tonight’s episode is an interview with Amy Davis, a young lady who works with bringing out the creative side of you through art. She works with various groups from mental health to the elderly.
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    30 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Season 2, Episode 2 - I Love Helping Clients

    Todays podcast I talk about one of my new clients, a single mum who has given birth to a little girl with disabilities, I have helped her manage her emotions around the news in pregnancy and how we can work together to get through it, what to expect and the practical side of having a disabled child. 

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    5 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Season 2, Episode 1 - Living With Special Needs Siblings
    This podcast focuses on the unique experience of a someone who has special needs siblings, the ups and downs, the judgement and issues they, as a family faced.
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    57 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Episode 28 - ADHD is not all funny jokes

    Todays episode touches on how ADHD is becoming more known but also made to be a joke, oooh we're so disorganised but hey its ok because its AHDH, its not all fun and laughs, its kinda hard and emotionally draining, but its ok to have bad days

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    10 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Episode 27 - Who Have You Lost?

    Todays episode talks about a poll I recently did on who we have lost been parents of SEND children, friends, family, ourselves or all 3

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    8 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Eries, Episode 26 - Christmas

    Todays episode touches on the overstimulation and emotional overload of Christmas

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    9 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Episode 25 - MMIA (Mum Missing In Action)

    Todays podcast touches on what we miss out on with our children when we have disabilities or have other children with disabilities, and tips on how to manage time with them when we can't make it to lays or sports days

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    9 分
  • The December-Rose Podcast Series, Episode 24 - Advocates For Our Children

    As a parent we are our child's main care giver, but as parents of children with special needs and disabilities, we become not just a care giver but an advocate too. We fight for their diagnosis, care needs, help and support, we feel like failures and don't always know where to tun, but that is why I became a coach, to help parents navigate life with disabilities. 

    As I mention, our community of parents is a eat help with tips and advice, alongside recipes, book reviews and more, join here


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    9 分