
  • #61- Espen Mathiesen - How To Succeed in Competition With One Of Europes Top Grapplers

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Espen's different training methods, training in Norway, his training breakdown, approach to competition, competition mentality, to Gi or not to Gi, strong opinions on steroids and much more.

    Espen Mathiesen is a Norwegian BJJ athlete and black belt under José Carlos. Espen became one of the top grappling competitors in Europe while going through the ranks of BJJ in the IBJJF circuit, where Espen conquered medals in important tournaments such as the World, Pan American, and Euros.

    Extra Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/espenmathiesen
    His Academy - https://www.instagram.com/mavericksjj

    00:00 What is Ecological Training
    06:50 Eco vs Other Methods
    20:07 Training BJJ in Norway
    29:29 Training Split
    39:13 No Gi and Climbing
    47:07 Approach to Competition
    53:18 Competition Prep
    01:01:30 Gi vs NoGi
    01:06:08 Steroids
    01:13:48 Future Plans

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 20 分
  • #60 Sebastian Brosche - Yoga For BJJ: Your Biggest Opponent In Jiu Jitsu Is Your Body

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on what makes us stiff and how to unlock our bodies, the different approaches to mobility, the best warm up and cool downs, why Blue Belts make such good coaches and much more.

    Sebastian Brosche is a Swedish-born yoga enthusiast and a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Eduardo Rios, being also one of the top grappling competitors of his generation in the European jiu-jitsu circuit. Brosche is well known for his website (Yoga for BJJ), a pioneering platform used by thousands of BJJ practitioners, which advocates yoga and its benefits for grapplers.

    Extra Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/yogaforbjj
    Website - https://yogaforbjj.net

    00:00 Intro
    02:23 Body Awareness
    11:33 Health Benefits of Mobility
    18:48 Why People Are Stiff
    29:01 Importance of Movement
    35:32 Yoga Adherence
    43:44 Different Approaches
    52:38 BJJ Warm Ups
    01:02:14 Cool Down & Stretching
    01:09:24 Blue Belts Should Teach Beginners
    01:15:24 Safeguarding Beginners
    01:22:31 Seb’s Upcoming Fight

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 24 分
  • #59 - Diren Kartal - Are Nerds and Steroids Making Jiu Jitsu Better or Worse

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on how Craig Jones ended up being oiled up in Turkey wrestling, the different personalities in jiu jitsu, if the nerds are good or bad, what the best gym work is to supplement your jiu jitsu, if steroids are ruining our sport and much more.

    Diren Kartal is a BJJ Purple Belt under Roger Gracie and one of the best known Fitness Authorities and Influencers in the UK and Turkey. Diren has spent time and trained with some the biggest names in the sport.

    Extra Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/diren.kartal/

    00:00 Intro
    03:00 Turkish Oil Wrestling with Craig Jones
    10:37 Thoughts on CJI
    20:33 Jiu Jitsu Superstars
    25:01 Personalities in Jiu Jitsu
    32:54 When Diren Started BJJ
    38:46 Dangerous White Belts
    41:42 Competing
    46:19 Best Approach to Training
    54:26 Find What Works For You
    58:23 Best BJJ / Gym Split
    01:08:18 Steroids in Jiu Jitsu
    01:16:35 Can BJJ Be Mainstream?
    01:23:30 What Diren Does

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast #fitness

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 27 分
  • #58 - Ian Daube - Will American Wrestlers Taking Over Jiu Jitsu Change It Forever

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on why so many American Wrestlers are switching to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, will see an evolution of American Jiu Jitsu or Brazilian Wrestling, the controversy around high level wrestlers competing at coloured belts, what gym work is best for BJJ, how it can be mainstream and much more.

    Ian Daube is an American Professional Grappler and Mixed Martial Artist, Former Division 1 Wrestler, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt and IBJJF Worlds Medalist.

    Extra Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/iandaube/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@UCuBpyaSqq9UzRH9G_wlNpYw

    00:00 No Gi Worlds Finals
    12:32 Why Wrestlers are Doing BJJ
    18:27 Transition to BJJ
    24:18 American Jiu Jitsu or Brazilian Wrestling
    31:32 Sandbagging & Belts
    40:50 Cross Training
    49:21 Gym Work for BJJ
    56:55 Is Flexibility Nature or Nurture
    01:03:26 How Wrestling Will Change BJJ
    01:10:07 How BJJ Will Be Mainstream
    01:16:11 Future Plans & Thanks

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 20 分
  • #57 - Pat Downey - I'd Smash Nicky Rod, Like In Wrestling, That's Why CJI Protected Him

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on and much more.

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/pj_fitness and https://www.instagram.com/danny.allenpt

    Get 15% off XMartial Rash Guards and Apparel via link in our Bio or use: https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive Patreon community at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% off Mr Bassett’s Grappler’s Soap! Use Code: EVERYDAY at https://www.mrbassetts.com.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    Extra Stuff:

    00:00 Intro
    01:37 NoGi Worlds Controversy
    04:03 Blue Belt Specialists
    08:19 Wrestling Infiltration
    13:51 Grappling BJJ Elites
    21:20 CJI Protected Nicky Rod From Me
    25:37 Anti-Wrestling Leg Lockers
    29:02 BJJ Evolution & Rulesets
    35:10 Signing with Polaris
    39:44 UFC House & Exclusivity
    41:58 Getting Cancelled & Politics

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast #wrestling

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    46 分
  • #56 - Kyvann Gonzalez - Ecological Dynamics For BJJ Explained Without Scientific Jargon

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on what Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach is without the scientific jargon, our reaction the debate between Greg Souders, Tom DeBlass and Big Dan, discussion around the common objections and confusions to the approach and much more.

    Kyvann Gonzalez is BJJ Black Belt, Co-Founder and Head Coach at Bodega Jiu Jitsu in New Jersey and the comedy genius behind the popular kyvanng Instagram page. After training to his black belt the traditional way, Kyvann now coaching exclusively using Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach.

    Guest Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/kyvanng
    All Things Bodega - https://linqapp.com/Bodegajiujitsu

    00:00 Intro
    03:47 Problem with Drilling
    11:53 Kyvann’s Background
    17:45 Why Greg is Polarising
    23:41 Warm Up Games
    28:29 Keeping People Engaged
    36:26 Why Not Use Both
    44:33 Big Dan & Greg’s Debating
    54:33 How To Mitigate Injuries
    57:32 Is CLA Inclusive
    01:04:41 Debate Reaction
    01:11:15 What Are Invariants
    01:18:55 Different Body Types
    01:22:55 Teaching Kids
    01:30:34 Selling The Approach
    01:36:25 Kyvann’s Fun Socials

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast #ecologicaldynamics #learning

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 41 分
  • #55 - Danny Allen - Can Popular Podcaster Become The Best Blue Belt in Britain

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Ikigai 6, Danny's upcoming 16 man blue belt tournament for a £5,000 cash prize, his planned fight prep, Danny's competition experience, his upbringing, going from football to BJJ, his thoughts on BJJ politics, how nerds rule the world in BJJ, why strength training is important for BJJ, nutritional common mistakes and much more.

    Danny Allen is the Co-Founder and Co-Host of the Grapplers Perspective Podcast, BJJ Blue Belt under Sam Crook training out of Flo Martial Arts, in Plymouth. In May he will competing in a 16 man blue belt Competition against the best blue belts in Britain.

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj

    Get 15% off XMartial Rash Guards and Apparel via link in our Bio or use: https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive Patreon community at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% off Mr Bassett’s Grappler’s Soap! Use Code: EVERYDAY at https://www.mrbassetts.com.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    Extra Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj
    Ikigai - https://www.instagram.com/ikigai_submission_grappling

    00:00 Intro
    01:35 £5,000 Blue Belt Comp
    09:12 Mainstream BJJ
    15:39 Danny’s 1st Comp
    24:10 Danny’s 2nd Comp
    31:28 Starting BJJ at 32
    34:58 Council Estate Circle of Life
    38:46 BJJ Culture vs Football Culture
    44:01 BJJ Tradition and Politics
    52:59 Biggest Influences
    56:51 The Levels
    01:01:45 The Black Belt Curve
    01:05:36 Role of Gym Work & Nutrition
    01:12:53 Common Nutritional Mistakes
    01:18:02 Would You Rather & Quick Fire
    01:23:54 Doing the Podcast
    01:31:43 UFC, Good or Bad?
    01:35:38 Danny’s Services

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #grapplersperspective #podcast

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 37 分
  • #54 - Marco Canha - You Can’t Talk To Me About Competition, If You’re Not Competing

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    Expect to get the grapplers perspective on the evolution of competition, how to prep as an older athlete, different rulesets, new belt standards, if evolution will ruin tradition, Marco's origin story and much more.

    Marco Canha is a 4th degree Black Belt and the head instructor at Fight Zone London. Marco is a direct product of the original Fightzone gym in Rio de Janeiro, having earned his black belt at that same gym from Fightzone owner/head coach and 9x World Champion Ricardo Vieira, one of the greatest competitors of the sport!

    Marco Canha’s success as a coach has been made evident through his students who have achieved prestigious medals in tournaments such as the World Championships, European BJJ Open, the No Gi European Championship, British Open amongst many more.

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj

    Get 15% off XMartial Rash Guards and Apparel via link in our Bio or use: https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive Patreon community at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% off Mr Bassett’s Grappler’s Soap! Use Code: EVERYDAY at https://www.mrbassetts.com.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    Guest Stuff:
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/marcocanhajiujitsu
    Fightzone London - https://www.instagram.com/fightzonelondon

    00:00 Polaris 30 Reflection
    06:48 Comp Prep at 42
    13:03 Evolution of Competition
    17:14 How BJJ Changes People
    23:56 Different Rulesets
    30:34 New Belt Standards
    35:09 Guard Pull or Takedowns
    38:59 Will Sport Ruin Tradition
    46:41 Marco’s BJJ Origin Story
    1:00:53 Coming to the UK
    1:06:16 Opening Fightzone London
    1:17:38 Why People Get Good
    1:20:53 Is Competing Important
    1:30:46 Quick Fire Questions
    1:34:35 15 Min Matches
    01:39:13 Thanks

    #mentalhealth #bjj #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #grappling #adcc #grapplingtechniques #podcast

    Need a chat? Here's some options 👇

    Get in touch in the comments below or head to...

    Support the show

    Co-Hosts: Paul Johnson (Glasses) and Danny Allen (Beard)
    Audio and Video Edited and Produced by Paul Johnson
    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bodyforbjj and https://www.instagram.com/rollingstrongbjj


    15% Off XMartial Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Gear - https://www.xmartial.com/?ref=thegrapplersperspective

    Support us by joining our exclusive community on Patreon at https://www.Patreon.com/EverydayPerspective

    10% Off Grappler's Soap from https://www.mrbassetts.com. Use Code: EVERYDAY.

    Come Train BJJ With Us At Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth - https://www.flo-martial-arts.co.uk

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 40 分