I met with Dennis Leri at his home in San Rafael at the end of March, 2015. In this second half of our conversation we talked about:
- the various phases of Dennis' career
- the shapes of the Feldenkrais community as Dennis saw them
- Feldenkrais in terms of art
- the East-Meets-West dimension of the work
- Feldenkrais as a community of inquiry
To record this interview, I met Dennis in San Rafael where he lived with his wife Maria in a small, cozy place, with a garden level studio where Dennis worked. We spoke upstairs in the front-room for a half an hour (part 1), then we went out to lunch. We continued the interview when we returned (part 2).
I found Dennis remarkably open and engaging, both in this conversation and in general.
I didn’t have a plan for releasing the recording we made, but when he died at the end of 2016, I shared it with people in the Feldenkrais community.
Now I share it here to make it available in a more ongoing way.
Dennis was one of the very important teachers in my life. I’m happy to share this conversation I had with him.
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