At the detention camp outside Scott Air Base, Gruner, Vijay and Norlock find Scott Stauffer, who thanks his friends for their rescue attempt--in spite of the way it turned out. Then Gruner plays a hunch and forces Captain Poverello to call off the flu shots for the detainees.
Meanwhile, a tense meeting takes place in the Moores' kitchen between Captain Thiel and his A-team and the women whose husbands they arrested Sunday morning. Eric Moore confirms the suspicions of Thiel and Agent Unes: the computers were the key--or rather, the e-mail from "God" was the key to the terror events of 10/13. Just as Thiel and his men leave to plan their next move, a tall, round-faced man with thinning hair arrives at the Moores' home, announces that his name is Barney Ison, and he's there to help.