
  • 24: The Oracle of Delphi
    The Oracle of Delphi, also known as the Pythia, was a high priestess at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece. She was considered the most important and authoritative oracle of ancient Greece, providing divine guidance and prophecies.

    The Pythia served as the mouthpiece for Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, music, and healing. She would enter a trance-like state, believed to be induced by inhaling vapors from a chasm in the earth, through which Apollo spoke.
    People from across Greece and beyond would come to Delphi to seek her counsel on various matters, from personal issues to political decisions and major undertakings. Her prophecies were often cryptic and required interpretation. The Pythia’s role as the Oracle of Delphi was a central aspect of ancient Greek religion and culture, symbolizing the deep connection between the divine and the human world. Her legacy continues to intrigue and inspire, reflecting the enduring quest for wisdom and insight.

    Thank you for listening!
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  • 23: Channeling the Mayan Goddess, Ixchel
    Hi listeners! I sat down to speak with the goddess Ixchel today and it was quite special. As you learned in the previous episode, she is the Mayan goddess of the Moon, Healing, and Fertility but really she is so much more. Listen today as she speaks about her other strengths. If you would like to connect with her consider the following offerings below:
    1. Offerings: Bread, Cacao, chocolate, beans, corn tortillas
    2. Stone: Turquoise
    3. Candle: Blue
    4. Incense: Copal
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  • 22: The Mayan Moon, Healing, and Fertility Goddess, Ixchel
    Ixchel is a significant deity in Maya mythology and religion, known for her associations with the moon, fertility, medicine, and weaving. Here’s an overview of her attributes and roles:

    Key Attributes of Ixchel:

    1. Goddess of the Moon:

      • Lunar Associations: Ixchel is primarily known as the goddess of the moon. She is often depicted with a crescent moon or other lunar symbols, reflecting her control over lunar cycles and phases.
    2. Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth:

      • Fertility: Ixchel is revered as a fertility goddess, associated with the growth of crops and the fertility of women. Her influence extends to aspects of reproduction and childbirth.
      • Childbirth: She is also considered a protective deity for women during childbirth, ensuring safe delivery and the health of newborns.
    3. Goddess of Medicine:

      • Healing Powers: Ixchel is linked to medicine and healing. She is believed to possess knowledge of herbs and natural remedies, and she is invoked for healing purposes.
    4. Goddess of Weaving:

      • Textiles: Ixchel is associated with weaving and textiles, reflecting her role in the creation of cloth and garments. This connection symbolizes the interweaving of fate and destiny.
    Depictions and Symbolism:

    1. Visual Representations:

      • Iconography: Ixchel is often depicted as an elderly woman, sometimes with a headdress or a moon crescent. She may also be shown with a serpent, which symbolizes her connection to both fertility and medicine.
      • Symbols: Common symbols associated with her include the moon, serpents, and textiles.
    2. Mythological Role:

      • Mythological Stories: In Maya mythology, Ixchel plays various roles, including as a cosmic figure who influences the natural world and human affairs. Her myths often involve themes of creation, balance, and transformation.
    Worship and Cultural Significance:

    1. Sacred Sites:

      • Cozumel: One of the most important pilgrimage sites dedicated to Ixchel was on the island of Cozumel, where her temple was a major center of worship. Pilgrims, especially women, traveled to Cozumel to offer prayers and seek her blessings.
      • Other Sites: Ixchel was also venerated at other Maya sites, including temples and shrines associated with lunar and fertility rituals.
    2. Rituals and Practices:

      • Rituals: Ceremonies in honor of Ixchel often involved offerings related to fertility and health, as well as rituals intended to ensure safe childbirth and successful harvests.
      • Contemporary Relevance: Today, Ixchel continues to be an important figure in Maya cultural and spiritual practices. Efforts to preserve and revitalize Maya traditions often include reverence for this goddess.
    Ixchel represents a complex and multifaceted deity whose influence extends across various aspects of life and nature in Maya cosmology. Her legacy continues to be a vital part of Maya spiritual and cultural identity.

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  • 21: Meeting your Goddess Meditation
    Today's episode includes a meditation to meet a goddess aligned with your higher self.
    Buckle up because a goddess will be stepping forward to be your mentor. Grab a journal, candles, sage (or cedar/mugwort/pine) and let's get going. Enjoy!
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    24 分
  • 20: Channeling the Greek Goddess Hestia
    This week I channeled a few messages from the goddess Hestia from ancient Greece. In this episode she discusses:
    1. Humility
    2. Issues of Self-worth
    3. Her tools to help you if you connect with her energy.

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  • 19: Greek Goddess of the Home and Hearth, Hestia
    Hestia is a significant deity in Greek mythology, representing the goddess of the hearth, home, and domesticity. She embodies the central fire of the household and plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and harmony of family life.
    Hestia is closely associated with the hearth, which was considered the central element of the home. The hearth was where family meals were prepared and where family members gathered, making it a symbol of warmth, security, and community.

    As the goddess of the hearth, Hestia was believed to oversee and protect the home, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of the family unit.
    Hestia is one of the three virgin goddesses in Greek mythology, along with Artemis and Athena. She took a vow of chastity and chose to remain unmarried, dedicating herself entirely to her divine role and service.

    Her virginity represents purity and integrity, both in the physical and moral sense. Hestia’s commitment to her role as a guardian of the hearth underscores her dedication to maintaining a pure and sacred space within the home.

    Hestia was honored in both private and public religious practices. In homes, a small hearth or altar dedicated to Hestia was maintained to ensure her blessings. In public worship, her presence was integral to ceremonies and rituals involving the hearth and communal fire.

    In ancient Greece, the hearth fire was considered sacred and was symbolically connected to Hestia. Her role included maintaining the sacredness of this fire, which was crucial for both domestic and communal harmony.
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  • 18: Channeling the Goddess Vesta
    In this episode, I am channeling the sacred messages of the Roman Goddess, Vesta. Some of her messages touch on the following topics:
    1. Tending to the scared hearth within
    2. The power of elder/crone energy
    3. How to connect with her energy

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  • 17: The Sacred Flame of the Goddess Vesta
    The goddess Vesta, known as Hestia in Greek mythology, is a prominent deity in ancient Roman religion. She is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family, embodying the sacred flame that symbolizes the warmth and security of domestic life.
    Vesta represents the hearth, the central fire of the household, and by extension, the home itself. The hearth was considered the center of family life, where meals were cooked and family members gathered.

    As the goddess of the hearth, Vesta was believed to protect the household and ensure its prosperity and stability. Her presence was integral to the well-being and cohesion of the family unit.

    The Vestal Virgins were priestesses dedicated to Vesta's service. They were responsible for maintaining the sacred fire in her temple and performing rituals to honor her.
    The Vestal Virgins took vows of chastity and served the goddess for a period of 30 years. Their role was highly respected, and they held significant influence in Roman society.

    Vesta is associated with purity and integrity, not just in terms of physical cleanliness but also in the moral and spiritual sense. Her worship emphasized the importance of maintaining a pure and untainted domestic environment. She was believed to protect the home and family from harm, ensuring their safety and well-being.
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