No recruiter (who was any good) has ever said recruiting is easy. While that's usually framed as a compliant, The Realest Recruiter Joel Lalgee sees it another way. To Joel, recruiting is hard because it is complex, fraught with ever-changing demands, needs (and a few egos), but deeply rewarding. In fact, to Joel's mind, the goal isn't to make recruiting easier, it is to do the hard work to create ever greater value for the organization.
- The Realest Recruiter: https://www.therealestrecruiter.com/
- Joel's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joellalgee/
Check out https://thedefinitionofinsanity.show/ for the whole podcast series
You can make the talent you want want to work for you!
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- Brought to you by James Ellis, Employer Brand Nerd
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