
  • Matter of the Heart
    A thought-provoking inquiry into human resilience and worth. As the songwriter, this song questions if we are truly 'worth our salt'—a testament to our ability to heal during self-recovery.
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    4 分
  • Podcast Trailer
    Welcome to the Humane Spectrum Podcast! Formerly Heart as Compass but now with a broader perspective. A brief intro about the focus of my writing and teachings.
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    2 分
  • Luna & The Tree of Perceptia
    In a world where egocentric tendencies dominate our culture and relationships, it is crucial to find a path that leads us towards empathy, compassion, and self-awareness. I offer you the story of Luna, a compelling narrative that teaches us that life is best lived awake.
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    11 分
  • You Seem So At Peace - HOW?
    Most of us know that peace is freedom from disturbance or a place of tranquility. What if it is stopping the repetitive thought of your inner critic or bully? A decision to seek a sensation that only comes through the open window in the center of your chest...the heart's intent. Making such a decision activates the two other voices inside you that desires peace, your inner counselor and mediator. The human spirit constantly moves us toward a place of presence because it doesn't want to feel miserable. It knows that misery is a form of motivation that spikes further defense against the present moment. Only the ego would labor over what is to come or not to come. Presence just is. As the poet Rumi says, "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop." Let your soul be silently drawn forth so the heart can point 'the way' to what it really wants...to simply BE. When one loses the ego's 'correct' way to become this is the sensation of love. A place where one loses a sense of self that is bound by the chains of thought. Angst will vanish in such a realization. Making peace with oneself allows joy to enter. Many describe this sensation as like untying the wings of freedom. A form of flight that is vertical and spiritual by design.
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    11 分
  • The Humane Spectrum an Evolutionary Step
    There are several forces that we use to construct our reality. These include spiritual gravity, weak, electromagnetic, and strong. The ego is rooted in the unconscious psychological logic of the rational or irrational and attempts to interpret life through a two-dimensional objective lens. In contrast, our heart or body consciousness (i.e., presence) resides in three-dimensional or subjective space. It is our strong/weak forces that dictate how we hold things together(feelings)and/or fall apart(emotions). While electromagnetism (our vertical connection to life) and spiritual gravity (heart vs. ego as compass) dominate our interactions at a holistic or mind-body-spirit level. In essence, these forces place us on a Humane Spectrum worth understanding if we are to evolve.
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    21 分
  • A Day in the Life of a Trauma Psychologist w/Ernie Vecchio
    Join me as Don Hutcheson outlines the chronology of my career and passion to help others. Don interviews individuals who have discovered their true talents and how to use them to enjoy a life of success, satisfaction and freedom. Thank you Don a wonderful honor
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    43 分
  • We Are WHAT We Were First & This Matters!
    Life begins as a reverberating, intelligent, observing burst of light I’ve come to know as your signature expression. This quality that many would call “soul” is a unified field of subjective consciousness that predates ego and “who am I?” by more than two years. Why should we care about this? Because this unique reverberating signature assumes (like life) a course of development that follows a sequence. If we don’t acknowledge what happens first, we can never fully make sense of our story! When we identify with what happens second or third, as if these events define us, we are telling a different story than life intended.
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    10 分
  • Living Regret Free Interviews Ernie Vecchio
    Join me in my recent interview as we discuss my international bestseller Feelings and Reason - Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego's Interference. As always, share with your community and by all means reach out if this episode resonates. Thank you, Dr. Gayle! Your energy is inspirational! Be well.
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    25 分