• 74-Mosiah 24 A 'round' of Applause

    The guys start out with tech talk. Smith is anti-pepto. Joe shares his B-52’s karaoke idea. Smith loves this karaoke video from Eric VanAusdal of John Cage’s 4'33" composition. Joe refers to this episode of MoNiteLive. JBTW Fkng rules. Smith wants to add zombies to the BOM.

    Joe gets excited about BSA cheers. It’s quite a scouting tangent. Joe tells his latest favorite Brazilian rollercoaster

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    1 時間 15 分
  • 73- Mosiah 23, Jahndallyn Jahndallyn

    Joe is not drunk, but his creepy guitar-playing suggests it.

    Smith refers to this Vic Berger video about Ted Cruz, and this Vic Berger video about Jon Voight. Smith also talks about this part of a Vsauce video featuring the voice of presidential assassin JWB. Definitely JWB. Then there’s this scene from Idiocracy (2006). There’s also this short of Tyson walking away from an interview with his buns, plus MJ doing the first Man on the MW. Joe refers to this guitar for JP. There was no easily available YT video of an LDS hymn on a Chapman Stick, but there was a wonderful consolation prize: this. Joe refers back to this chart/scene from Idiocracy.

    Joe refers back to this other Radiohead song which was recorded while Thom sang his vocals in reverse or something. TBH, he mistook it for this one, which would also be super cool in reverse too. Joe talks about the music video for REM’s Pop Song ‘89 which features people sans tops. Here’s the B&B version. Find your own version, if ya nasty. Joe makes everyone take an axolotl break. Then Joe refers back to this episode of The Dollop about an early LDS branch. The guys love Pete Holmes and Joe tells Smith about the BCPE film. No reward on the pork store from the Talking Sopranos podcast.

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    1 時間 11 分
  • 72-Mosiah 22, Drunken Faces

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    44 分
  • 71-Mosiah 21, White Walkers G Dispensary

    Joe tells an Alien$ story he heard on the Blank Check podcast. Smith wants more info about Cary Elwes. Smith comes up with the best name for a garment store.

    Smith refers to this episode of the Dollop podcast. Joe tells about how this Mr Magoo cartoon spoiled Moby Dick for him.

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    42 分
  • Mosiah 20, Level 3 Lamanites!

    Smith informs Joe about the church purchasing the Kirtland Temple from the Community of Christ. Joe refers back to this South Park episode and summarizes the beginnings of the BOM for anyone who doesn’t know. Smith mentions this part from the Tim and Eric movie. Joe points out this series of Behind the Bastards podcast episodes. The guys have both heard Teller’s voice. Here’s a link to an unvetted podcast ep with Teller as a guest. The guys discuss Neil Hamburger’s voice and his performance as Toby Determined on Gravity Falls. Smith provides his idea of some of the original text before it was edited.

    Joe complains about how expensive everything is in Aspen, Colorado. Smith tells about his weiner dog protecting him against a Siberian Tiger on TV. Joe complains about the one and only segment he watched on the History Channel show, Strange Evidence. His description reminds Smith of a classic segment on T&E.

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    52 分
  • Mosiah 19, Chekhov's Death by Fire

    The guys talk about how they’re feeling about the church after being out for a while. Some of Joe’s kids don’t really remember even going. Joe plays a reverse-jeopardy style game to try to relay information to Smith about the director Henry Selick. Smith announces a new BOM-related Lego line. The guys look down on the f***ing idiots who said ‘page number’ instead of ‘hymn number. Joe brings T2: JD news from the corrections department.

    The guys are anti most forms of traffic and trafficking. Smith refers back to this song from The Offspring. He tries to use the commitment pattern to get Joe to watch The Oath with him. Smith brings up this news story about Native tribes returning donations to the church. Joe gets excited that the Hess’s were Oscar nominated for their animated short film- Ninety-five Senses.

    Presented by Catchall Audio

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    49 分
  • Mosiah 18, Alma whispering to you at a stoplight

    Joe refers to this piece of church art, and then this YT video from a news blooper compilation that he enjoyed. He then refers to this David Bazan song.

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    55 分
  • Mosiah 17 Hide your Almas

    Smith reminds the listener about a bundle of sticks. Joe has a scary story from E Colfax Ave. Smith spoils the end of The Prestige (2006), and gets a C-Nol quiz from Joe. There is more back-and-forth between Abinadi and King Noah. The guys keep referring to this unattributed picture.

    The guys remember an old Pablo Francisco bit. Smith confesses to going to PF on V-day with Jared from Static Cycle. Joe recommends the 2014 documentary, Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau. Smith describes The Sopranos in case anyone didn’t know what it was. The guys refer to this TGTTM end credit sequence.

    Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal

    The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org

    Become a subscriber on our patreon at- https://patreon.com/joeandsmith

    Remember who you are and what you stand for

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    51 分